Entrepreneurship vs 9-5s: Choosing A Lifestyle That Fits You

247 Live Culture

By: Kwana Adams

When it comes to making money, there really isn’t a wrong way to do it. Well, there is, but that’s another story. As long as you’re making your money honestly, who cares how you do it? Don’t ever feel ashamed about doing what you have to do to take care of yourself.

We keep having this same conversation when we should all be minding our business. I’m talking about the neverending argument between entrepreneurship and ‘9-5s.’ There are pros and cons to both, and one method is no better than the other. As someone who has been doing both for a while, I can tell you that they both have their advantages and disadvantages. Neither is easy, but both can be rewarding. 

Before we get into that, I just want to say: entrepreneurs, stop shaming people for working 9-5s. Not everyone is cut out for entrepreneurship, nor do they want to take that path, and that’s okay. There are plenty of jobs where you can punch a clock and make good money. There are also jobs where you can set your own hours and take plenty of vacations. 9-5s aren’t just retail, fast food, and call centers. However, they do make up most of the 9-5s, and there’s nothing wrong with having these types of jobs.

Not all people who work 9-5s are miserable. Some people actually get up every day and enjoy what they do. Some people also like the security that a 9-5 job offers them. They don’t have to worry about hiring employees or figuring out health insurance because their job takes care of all of that for them. They also don’t have to worry about the costs of running a business from the ground up. 

Entrepreneurship is expensive, and it can sometimes take years to start seeing a decent profit. You could spend a lot of your time just spending your own money before you begin to make some of it back. This is where having a 9-5 on the side comes in handy.

You have to make money to spend money when it comes to creating a business or a brand. It takes a lot of patience, dedication, and a lot of free time. Before you get to set your own hours, you have to put in a lot to get to where you want to be. It doesn’t happen overnight, especially if your heart isn’t in it.

If you’re just trying to get rich quick, it will show in your work, and you won’t get too far. With the trend of people getting social media famous, it seems like it’s so easy that anyone can do it, but it’s not. This honest truth is that some people simply got lucky. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow, but this is why following your own path and not someone else’s is so important. What worked for someone else might not work for you. 

Entrepreneurship is risky as well. You might put a lot of time and money into something and realize that it doesn’t work, or even worse, that you actually hate it. Another thing that goes into entrepreneurship is research, and I cannot say this enough. You absolutely must do your research before you jump headfirst into the deep waves of entrepreneurship.

You have to have some business knowledge, and you need to know how to market yourself and your business. Word of mouth is still a great way to gain interest in your business, but it comes second to marketing and social media presence. If you’re going to go down this path, these absolutely need to be included in your budget.

Whatever path you decide to choose, if it’s a 9-5 or entrepreneurship, or both, just make sure it’s the right path for you. Both are equally as important and couldn’t exist without the other. Not everyone wants to start a business, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just don’t be afraid to look for newer and better opportunities when you can. Never settle for less and do what makes YOU happy.