The 5 Step Skin Care Regimen Every Black Woman Should Know

Skin Care Regimen for Black Women

By: Yan’ece Washington

When it comes to skin care for black women, the secret to ultimate health and beauty is natural plant based products and simple regiments. Black African Soap and Sea Butter are the two most talked about and recommended products for clearing up dark spots, anti-aging, and dry skin care. Although these products are looked at as the holy grail for darker skin complexions, there are lighter products and self improvements that allow the skin to breath and heal itself through the body's natural process. In this article, I will give a skin care regiment that every black woman should know as well as some helpful life tips that helped me beat acne!

3 Tips That Helped Me Have Clear Skin

#1 Diet and Exercise

Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and in many cases the most under cared for organ. Seems simple enough to drink water and put on lotion, however the skin needs much more TLC. Diet and exercise is a great way to show your skin some tender love and care, and this is because what you put in is what you get out. So eating leafy greens, raw live food, such as veggies, fruits, and foods with seeds will give the body back its natural glow and hydration. Scientists say daily exercise even a simple 30 minute walk everyday will not only get in some good cardio, but your skin will thank you. This is because between moisturizing, washing, scrubbing, and drinking water, your skin does not excrete the harmful bacteria’s that get stuck in your pores. So that’s when exercise comes into play and provides a much faster excreting process. Exercise helps the body force out those toxins that are deeply set into the skin. Leaving you with clear pores with a stronger defense against the breakouts.

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#2 Sanitization

Although working out exceeds the deep dirt and bacteria, protecting your skin and insuring you use clean and sanitized materials when in contact with your skin is another major factor to skin care. Clean hands aren’t just for the kitchen! Before washing my face or even showering I wash my hands thoroughly. This is because with all the things we touch throughout the day, by touching your skin and transferring additional germs this builds up a larger layer of bacteria increasing breakouts. So changing your face towel every week is a safe practice as well as cleaning all facial brushes, and any facial bar soaps be sure to remove residue after washing.

#3 Self Love and Positive Thinking 

Lastly, be sure to tap into our inner beauty with positive thinking and stress less situations in your life. Being in a great place mentally and emotionally can reduce the appearance of acne as well. Science shows that women hold emotions in, this can increase health issues, and in turn random pimples appear and increase of feminine hygiene lacks. So starting with your mental health and stability can help with the natural glow and natural beauty that we all possess inside. Below is a face washing regiment that I have used for over 2 years. What this skin care regiment will do is give you a pure look and allow your skin to breath and be at its most healthy state when products are involved!

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Skin Care Regimen for Black Women

The 5 Step Skin Care Regimen Every Black Woman Should Know

Step 1: Drink Water

I always like to start the day with drinking a bottle or 2 of water. This gives your skin a nice awakening from a dormant sleep.

Step 2: Use Warm Water On Your Face

This step is to wash your face with warm water. This opens the pores in your face and allows moisture in while also breaking down any left over product or make-up that was trapped inside.

Step 3: Use A Plant Based Soap

Lather your face with a plant based soap of your choice. My favorite is from a company called “ Exotic Spa and Body” and it’s their “Oatmeal Coconut Facial Bar”. This bar contains cold cut oats and fresh shredded coconut with essential oils from both. The oats act as a calming agent while the coconut acts as the moisturizing agent. The two together act as a moisturizing soap, so you get moisture and cleaning without stripping.

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Step 4: Rinse Your Face With Warm And Cold Water

Rinse your skin with warm water to thoroughly remove product. After, rinse your face again with cold water to shock your pores into closing and locking in all that moisture.

Step 5: Pat Your Face Dry and Apply Oil

Pat your face partially dry with a slight amount of moisture left over. Then apply Vitamin E oil, or JoJoba oil. Either of the two provide natural radiant moisture while allowing the skin to breath throughout the day.

Using this 5 step skin care regimen for black women will give you a new found confidence in your beautifully melanated Skin!

Stay true to yourself and yourself will take care of you! , Yan’ece!