Taking Control Over Your Life: 3 Tips to Dominating in the New Year


By: Omar Cook

2023 is finally upon us and I don’t know about y’all, but I plan on dominating in every facet! Easy to say right? New year new me sounds cliche as we hear this every single year, but it’s time. to start putting action to this claim! We all have New Year’s resolutions but how do we stick to them?

Every improvement in our lives has to come with some sacrifice and discipline and that’s where most people fail before even getting started. If you want a better experience in life, and better results, the first step is taking control over your life and being intentional in your actions. Think of it like sports; in order for any team to be successful in a game, there has to be a gameplay in place. In other words, for you to be successful, you need to have a gameplay in place for you life as well. Here are 3 tips for taking control over your life and dominating in the New Year!

1. Write Down Your Goals

Writing down your goals is a must for any successful person! Being able to see what you’re actually trying to accomplish in writing and consistently writing that goal down turns the thought into reality. Create a list of things that you want to accomplish in 2023, then under each goal, write out what it’s going to take to accomplish these goals. A step by step gameplay of your goals will take your life to the next level.

How many times have you set a goal for yourself and still to this day have yet to accomplish it? One or two things is wrong here. Either your goal is unrealistic or you aren’t taking the necessary steps to accomplish it. Either way, these are things you can control. Its easy for any of to say we want to be a millionaire, but how do you accomplish that? It’s very possible of course but if you’re still trying to figure out how to make $100,000 in a year, let’s start there for a goal. Baby steps until you can start taking on the major goals. It’s a marathon not a race.

If you feel the energy like I do, then you feel that this year will be an amazing year filled with success. I want each of you to be successful and winning in all areas, so it’s imperative that we become very intentional about the way we move in this new year.

2. Set Your Daily Schedule

Knowing what you’re doing every hour of the day, and having a plan for it is extremely important for your success. When you go to school, you’re put on a set schedule to ensure that you’re learning all you need to and to make sure that you’re getting all that you can out of the day. The same should apply to you as an adult.

If you’re just going through the day with no order, 9 times out of 10 you’re just free styling through the day and hoping to get certain things done. It’s not efficient. If you have a schedule, you have a gameplay for how you will attack the day and accomplish your goals. Winning your day knocking out your goals sets you up to accomplish weekly goals, which turns into monthly goals, yearly goals, and long term goals. Life is not a game so it’s time to stop treating it like that and get serious about your time and energy. Imagine how much you could get done if you new exactly what you needed to do and when! Just having a schedule in place will set you apart from most people.

3. Create a Budget

We all want to make more money right? What’s more money going to do for you if you don’t know how to manage what you already have? Taking control over your life means taking control over your finances as well.

Create a budget that shows exactly what you’re earning each month, what you’re spending each month, and when certain bills and expenses are due to come out. Being able to see where your money is coming from and going is important for your financial success. Any wealthy person has a budget for their expenses so you need one too. It’s time for us to build wealth and it starts with managing what you’ve already been blessed with.

I hope these tips will help you guys to start this New Year off the right way and stick to your New Year’s resolutions! Let’s dominate!



Omar Cook