The Power of Learning New Trades vs. Traditional Work


By: Jordan King

Working is a necessity to survive, and provide for yourself during life. While there has always been a focus on traditional 9 to 5 work, the utility empowering obtaining a trade or skill set is always beneficial and useful for both the individual and for society!

Useful Skillset

Some aspects of society can’t be done from home, nor effectively replaced through the rise and mainstays of technology. Carpentry, HVAC, Sanitation Maintenance and Trucking are a few industries that are both flexible in acceptance of employment and availability nationwide which can also provide opportunities to expand and grow. One of the key advantages of any of these industries and others are the skills and tools learned on the job that can translate outside of the workplace and into other related careers or even skills that can be applied within self-employment. 

Transferable Abilities

While working on various aspects of the job within the trade sector, you’ll be able to expand your general skillset by both observing and learning from very experienced people in a specific industry or space. Through the addition of certain certifications and eventual licensing for tasks and skills, you become both able to command a higher salary, as well as the confidence to move around without restriction to location and gain income through the skills that you were able to hone and learn. 

Combination of Efforts

The traditional model of working will always be a mainstay within what it means to gain an income or excel in a particular profession. Nothing is also wrong with the 9-5 model, as many people are able to both provide for themselves and families, as well as create strong careers. The attention and relevance of trade education has been revived in modern times as both an alternative to those that want a choice outside of the office setting, as well as a chance to continue to communicate vital skillsets to younger generations as current workers begin to retire and transition to other efforts.  


Having something to fall back on, whether it is an education or skillset, is vital in any scenario of survival. The ability to wear different hats well has shown to both increase income as well as allow a variety of methods for individuals to showcase their skills and value across industries and spaces. Choosing what is right for both yourself and your personality is key in building both fulfillment in life while maintaining productivity within your field and profession!