Respect In A Relationship: Dating Advice For Not Having A Controlling Relationship

Respect In A Relationship: Dating Advice For Not Having A Controlling Relationship

As adults, if we're in a relationship, you shouldn't have to tell your partner what they need to do to respect the relationship. But of course, there are people out there that lack home training and genuinely don't understand how to respect a relationship. 

A Night Out

If we're in a relationship, you shouldn't have to tell your significant other not to go out because they should know how to carry themselves accordingly. Your partner still needs to have a personal life so it's okay for them to have a night out with their friends. Give them their personal space and don't think thoughts like is he cheating or is she cheating, or having a secret affair. You can usually tell signs of cheating so trusting your partner is important for healthy relationships. Every time you go out, you're a representative of that person, don't embarrass them because a few people tried to show you some attention for a night! Don't lose the potential love of your life for a hoe for the night. A night out should not end up being a reason for breaking up with someone.

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Cut Off Season

If we're in a relationship, you shouldn't have to tell your partner not to be texting other people. If you need to ask if what you're doing is disrespectful, 9 times out 10 it is. You chose to date this person, so all your hoes, sides, snacks, buddies, whatever you call them...they need to go, cut off season! Not everyone has mastered the art of cutting people off and ending a relationship, so many people weed themselves out of healthy relationships by the inability to do this. You can't carry old baggage into a new relationship; let them go and move on with your new boo.

Respect In A Relationship

Social Media

If we're dating, you shouldn't have to tell your partner how to act on social media sites. If you have to check them multiple times about social media incidents, they just aren't listening. You shouldn't have to tell them not to leave heart eyes under other people's pictures or anything that comes off as flirtatious, respect the relationship! Not everyone lives in the spotlight and broadcasts their significant other on social media platforms and thats okay, but just because you don't broadcast the relationship doesn't mean you don't have to respect it! Don't let a great networking tool be the downfall of your relationship. Social media is not the reason you fell in love with your partner, so enjoy the romance away from social media. 

Breaking Up With Someone


If we're dating, you shouldn't have to tell your partner how to dress. Guys have more of a tendency to get upset over how women dress then vice versa. It's the male ego. Men sometimes associate how a woman dresses with being too sexy and flirty, and that's not always the case. Women wear what they wear for style, and self confidence; their clothes make them feel good about themselves. Don't put a woman in a box because you felt insecure about her style for the day; if she's for you then she's for you, she'll respect the relationship no matter what she wears. Trust your partner and practice good communication in relationships and this eliminate certain relationship issues.

THIS ARTICLE IS RELATED TO: relationship questions, respect in a relationship, relationship goals, relationship advice, dating advice, relationship issues


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