Black Athlete Bias And Racism In The Media: Why Do Black Athletes Face More Scrutiny?

Chad Wheeler with the Seattle Seahawks.png

By: Tialena Evans

Being black in America is already hard enough, but being a black athlete? Now that is a job within itself. The conscious reminders to control your anger, keep it classy, never be too loud, stay humble, and to always show respect even to those who don’t reciprocate the same gesture— beyond exhausting. 

Black athletes are more than aware that eyes are on them at all times and at any moment they show too much emotion or make a bonehead mistake, the media world takes it and runs as fast and as far as they can to subjectify them with the most absurd takes. 

Now, the point I’m trying to get at here is that this is not the case with everyone, such as these black athletes’ fellow white teammates and counterparts. This is nothing new though, something everyone witnesses and subliminally turns a blind eye to. People will even go as far as to justify a white person's heinous actions as if it makes it any less demoralizing. But why? Sorry not sorry, but every white person who commits an act of violence or bigotry doesn’t have a mental health issue. The excuses are old, the bias remarks show themselves every time. 

A prime example is the incident that occurred last Monday with former NFL player Chad Wheeler. Wheeler was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence against his girlfriend, who says that he strangled her until she lost consciousness twice. She also alleges that Wheeler expressed shock that he hadn’t killed her. The Seahawks have since released him from the team. 

Users on Twitter expressed their outrage as they point out the fact that the story hadn’t been mentioned on any major networks, such as ESPN. They compare the media exposure to incidences like Ray Rice’s, who was criticized and villainized for years, and still today. 

NFL Hall of Famer Shannon Sharpe shared his perspective on the situation and he truly spoke for many African-Americans who share his outrage. 

Here’s what he had to say.

Players like Ray Rice, Michael Vick, and Kareem Hunt were heavily scrutinized, but will Chad Wheeler get the same treatment? Considering it took multiple days after the alleged incident with Wheeler and his girlfriend was reported for media outlets to even address it, it’s safe to say this will not get the longevity of attention that black athletes have gotten in the past. 

In no way, shape or form is the domestic violence displayed by anyone justifiable. This goes for anyone regardless of race. But we must acknowledge that there is a discrepancy between the way the media covers black athletes versus their white counterparts. 

You could argue that all men were created equal, but we know that is not the case as far as treatment goes. Black people continue to be walking targets for the media to make an example out of, while everyone else is cradled and consoled for their “mistakes”. It would be nice to say one day things will change, but that’s a feat that will require decades of unlearning and a hard look in the mirror.