Grow it, Show it! 4 Tips For Growing Your Natural Hair

Natural Hair

By: Lauryn Bass

Natural hair is finally getting the respect it deserves, honey! The curls that crown the Queens and Kings of this earth are thriving and I am here-for-it. No matter what the shape or form, our hair needs lots of care and everyone has their own techniques for maintaining its health and growth, but sometimes the length just seems stunted. Aside from the shrinkage, the size of your afro just seems to be remaining the same, yeah? Here are 4 solutions to boost your puff to flourish.

Grow it, Show it! 4 Tips For Growing Your Natural Hair

1. Try Tea Tree Or Peppermint oil! 

These oils have been said to remove dead skin cells from your scalp which allows for the hair follicles to spring back into life! It also helps all the love and nutrients that you’ve added to your hair gain unlimited access to do what you want it to do! Also, when you use it, it creates this breezy feeling in your scalp that is actually a rush of oxygen flowing which is also a good indicator of future growth!

4 Tips For Growing Your Natural Hair

2. Deep condition!

Deep conditioners are so great at penetrating the hair shaft and replacing dryness with lots of proteins that strengthen the hair. As your hair gets stronger, it reduces shedding and breakage. It provides moisture for hair that may not get all the care that it needs during your busy schedule. Make sure to research the different kinds and what benefits each ingredient provides for your specific hair type and texture.

4 Tips For Growing Your Natural Hair

3. Lessen Manipulation!

As protective styling is known for helping hair growth, it can also stun the progress of growth. When you are constantly combing, brushing, pulling, and tying up your hair into the various hairstyles we love and adore, this maneuvering can cause breakage. When styling, be cognizant of how much stress you are putting on your strands and try to limit how many styles you are whipping together back-to-back. Be sure to give your hair a break and let it be.

Grow it, Show it! 4 Tips For Growing Your Natural Hair

4. Cut It Off!

Honey, trims are your friend! I know it may sound counterproductive, but you have to lose some to win some. Literally, getting routine trims are so healthy for your hair and helps it to grow. Split ends get more and more worse as time goes by, traveling up the shaft. They also weigh your hair down and drain the nutrients from the healthy part of your hair. If that isn’t enough, when you’re wearing your fro, they don’t look good!

Grow it, Show it! 4 Tips For Growing Your Natural Hair

As you try out new ways to promote your hair growth, remember to do things with care. Your hair is a statement, a representation of who you are. When it is thriving, it boosts confidence and adds a positive note to your day. Keep your crown shining bright!