Dealing With Social Anxiety and Micro Aggressions While Black

247 Live Culture Magazine
Dealing With Social Anxiety and Micro Aggressions While Black

By: Jordan King

It’s been a wild past three years. Things are different and actually, individually we are also pretty different people. We been through some things like it or not and as we begin to really pop back outside, it can come with its own set of setbacks. Especially when we’ve always had a sense of weariness about crowds or being around new (or certain) people and places. Social anxiety is real and it manifests in many different forms. Yet to experience this as a Black person, or any color really, comes with a unique lens to view these interactions through.

With all honesty, from my own personal observation,  I can say that all colored people to some extent deal with elements of anxiety. It comes with the territory so to speak. Naturally, there’s a level of tolerance that is held for people with pigment. Stepping out of line or beyond your usual tribe can expose situations that bring out the worst in us.

Even from our own people, we can sense moments that seem innocent yet in reality contain a whole context that is not positive. Call it jealousy or insecurity, whatever the case; we feel it when we make our movements throughout the day one way or another.

Micro Aggressions

It’s those little nagging expressions and tones throughout that day that can really set a n* off sometimes. You know what I mean and if you don’t, it’s not hard to relate to. We all have moments where we’ve experienced some undertones within a conversation or interaction that leave us feeling unsettled, even if the situation presented itself as innocent or well-meaning on the surface. 

At times, these interactions make it hard to want to deal with the general public and even sometimes those you deem close yet you “know how they can be at times”. You can never really escape those feelings, yet you can develop ways to manage and maintain! 


My favorite approach to these types of situations, and honestly anything that can have a hold on you, is exposure therapy (or exercises). Put yourself in those uncomfortable positions and try to control how you’d react. You’re being tested when your character is challenged. How can you be ready for the next level if you’re still stuck on the pettiness? 

All that mess is irrelevant to the main mission you’re meant to complete. Tune out that noise when possible and focus on your purpose. Also, turn it back around and pimp it positively. Take anything you deem disrespectful and treat it with class. I know it’s cliché to go high when they stoop low, yet we aim for the stars while they’ll remain stuck on Earth. 

While it will always be somewhat of a challenge to navigate everyday life as a pigmented person, there’s still a lot of joy that comes with the color! The ability to alchemize our pain or trauma into incredible pieces of creativity or even overall passion projects is undeniable. We are blessed to be Black, and all that comes with it is honestly up to us to define as we blaze into the future. It’s only up from here on out!



Omar Cook