Starting Over in Life: Overcoming Setbacks on the Road to Success


By: Jordan King

Starting over is actually not completely bad, yet I’d rather approach situations from a viewpoint of already having knowledge of how to handle things in a healthy way. Maybe I just wasn’t prepared, yet we all have our moments. Reframing the approach as a fresh start, or reset, definitely gives more power to the person as they begin to do the necessary work needed!

Now, I’m usually self-conscious when I have to kinda pivot during a project. There’s a specific idea that already has a plan behind it, yet as the process unfolds; you see adjustments need to be made for better quality. However sometimes you can get stuck on that original visual which you had in mind, making it hard for you to accept the alterations. What do you end up doing? It depends, yet it’s still a reset regardless! 

Lunar New Year

In keeping with the interest of diversity, one of the largest cultural holidays is occurring during this season! The Chinese New Year not only represents a changing of times, it’s viewed as a true fresh start and opportunity to set the tone for your year and all of your goals! Symbolized by both an element and animal (Water, Rabbit for 2023) one reflects on the attributes of the upcoming season and sets affirmations and goals for the New Year. It’s refreshing! Of course some of our missions will fall through as the months gain motion, yet the initial intent builds both character as well as discipline. We’re not perfect and we deserve to give ourselves more grace in relation to our personal shortcomings. 

Life doesn’t have to be rigid, it’s meant to bend and flow as we evolve along our individual journeys. Such as the phases of our own development, we’re constantly starting anew physically, causing changes that we have to learn to manage. Would life truly be interesting if we didn’t have to face challenges? What kind of person would you be if you were never blessed with struggles? 

Realizing that we all have to pivot at times; especially in an ever changing world such as our own allows us to move with more grace. Adults like to give the appearance of being put together; having a grip on reality. Social media feeds are manicured better than most lawns, carefully showing the highlights. Even in conversation, when asked “how are you”, any response less than “alright” is a cause for too much concern. Truth is we’re all figuring it out as we go along & that’s OKAY! Expected even! 

On the other-side of hardship is peace. To reach where you seek you’ll ultimately have to step out of your comfort zone and take those risks. You’ll fall. Hopefully you’ll get back up & you’ll reset and restart accordingly. After trial and error you gain awareness, which with discernment gives you better clarity on your overall vision!

Also, to be afraid of failure is to be afraid of success; as the two are inescapable. Along the path, there are setbacks, dissatisfactions and just plain hurdles that will test your resolve. The ones who make it through had not only grit; but the ability to know when to get out of their own way at times and do whatever is needed to correct course. All this rests in your ability to see what needs to be adjusted & being open to patience within the process!



Omar Cook