Disrespecting Black Women Is An Easy Way To Gain Social Media Clout
Disrespecting Black Women Is An Easy Way To Gain Social Media Clout
By: Kwana Adams
Have you been having trouble promoting yourself and your work on social media? Are you just not getting the clout that you feel you deserve? It’s difficult making yourself known when so many others are trying to do the same thing but there is a way to get around that. There’s a great way to boost your online presence and make you an overnight sensation!
If you want to gain clout quickly without ANY effort and hard work, just start talking shit about black women unprovoked! This method has been proven time and time again to be effective. Let’s take that recent video for example. You know the one I’m talking about so I don’t even need to link it here. A man with an unwashed ass and an opinion nobody asked for decided to make a Tik Tok where he claimed he’d rather go blind than date a black woman.
Black women really just be minding our business and here comes this.... pic.twitter.com/HvQmGsZHLC
— NaijaBabe🇳🇬 (@eberelovesyou) March 11, 2021
Of course, the video spread rapidly. Most videos of that nature usually do. Not only did this man have the absolute nerve to use a song sung by two talented, successful and beautiful black women to disrespect black women, he then created another video where he tried to explain the original. In this video, that again, NOBODY asked for, he claims that he wasn’t hating but he’d rather go blind than marry one of “your kind.” As he says this, he also acts out “vomiting” and whispers “disgust me”. What’s crazy is, he is one of “our kind.” No sir, YOU disgust ME.
This brings me to my next tip on how to gain internet clout. If you are a black man, or a man of color, who is trying to gain internet clout, this method is definitely for you. Self hating black men and anti-black men are the most successful in gaining clout when they shit on black women. Make sure your opinion was unprovoked, and don’t forget to profess your love for “snow bunnies” and “spicy latinas” because we all know you can’t have a preference if you don’t talk about how much you hate Black women first!
Now, I’ve personally seen ‘that’ video on my Twitter timeline multiple times in just a day so I imagine the Cinnamon stick from the Apple Jacks commercial must be seeing all of the comments, RTs and quote replies. Checking the comments, I discovered that this man is a tattoo artist and a musician. Suddenly, it all makes sense… This is probably what he wanted all along.
He made sure to record himself lying next to a white woman to really get the people talking. I’ve scrolled past this video and responses to it multiple times in less than an hour, so I’d say he executed the method very successfully. The fact that I’m even writing this article proves this as well!
In all seriousness, stop using black women to gain clout. It’s old, it’s tired, and quite frankly, it’s very lazy. Black women are constantly just minding their business and having to be reminded that men, especially black men, are looking down on them. The same things that other races of women get praised for, black women get abused for.
You can have your preference without bringing up black women. It’s really that simple. The 15 minutes of fame you’re getting are not worth disrespecting a group of people who didn’t do a damn thing to you. Let us exist in peace and keep us out of your mouth.