Natural Remedies For Fibroid Treatment: Diet, Herbal Remedies, and Lifestyle Changes

247 Live Culture
Natural Remedies For Fibroid Treatment

By: Emily-Ann

First and foremost, happy new year! This year started with a bit of chaos and uncertainty. Amid our uncertainty, one thing we can take control of is our reproductive health. 

If you are reading this post it's because you enjoyed our last post where we discussed fibroids. In the previous post, we discussed the alarming rate at which women of color, specifically African/Caribbean women being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Research links fibroids to deficiency of vitamin D, a hormone produced in the body when the sun penetrates the skin. Taking Vitamin D3 supplements can help prevent the fibroid(s) from increasing in size.

Before we get into the alternatives let me give you some background story. I became educationally aware of the condition. I was unsatisfied with the answers given to me by a childhood doctor. It was more of dismissal and “ Ah, don’t worry about it, many women have children even with fibroids”. Only to find out almost two years later, it grew and so did my symptoms along with an irregular period. I am happy to say, I have made improvements with the changes I have implemented so far.

Over the last two years, I have very familiar with the condition and experienced some of the most common symptoms of fibroids. Gaining knowledge about fibroids I began to ask questions like, what I can do to improve my quality of life? What can I do naturally to shrink and rid my uterus of fibroids without surgery? I found different herbs that may aid in this process, and alleviate symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Seeking natural remedies for shrinking the fibroids is fueled by my urge to preserve my fertility and the health of my uterus. 

Doctors often focus on treating the symptom(s) and not the root cause. They do this by recommending extracting the fibroid(s) using different methods. Performing a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is one of the popular suggestions depending on the size and even suggesting hormonal therapy, which for a young person can wreak havoc on the body. They mean well but, you also have to know what is right for you and speak up for yourself. 

Before seeking alternative methods for dealing with my fibroids, I felt like I was being dismissed by the doctor, and I had this doctor since I was a small child. I was extremely hurt and disappointed when my fibroid grew within a year of doing nothing besides monitor at the advice of the first doctor. This became my motivation to change my provider, and ask for a different OBGYN who was a good fit for me. Think of it this way, finding the right provider is like a relationship. You wouldn’t stay in a relationship that was no longer serving you.


Let’s talk about mother nature’s kitchen, shall we? I mean it’s been around for as long as humans have been consuming and reproducing. It’s only natural that we return to what we know, at times we fall short, and our bodies will let us know very quickly when something is off. I will introduce some of the herbs and their meniscal properties that help in striking fibroids and detoxing the body.

Red clover tea

Red Raspberry Leaf tea

Dandelion root tea

Milk Thistle


Stinging Nettle Leaf

Burdock Root

Chaste berry (Vitex)


Burdock Root

Burdock Root

Burdock Root

Burdock Root is the herb you want to get familiar with if any, because of its overall health for the body and healing properties possessed in just one plant. The benefits of this herb are more for overall health and not just for fibroids. 

  • Healthy skin

  • Boost the immune system

  • Prevents cancer

  • Balances blood sugar

  • Cures tonsillitis

  • Healthy for the liver, which is important for getting rid of excess estrogen in the body

Red Clover

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is a flower that is in the same family as beans and peas. This dark pink herbaceous plant originates from North Africa, Europe, and Asia. Red clover is an overall fertility booster and improves circulation, and can also help promote cervical fluid. 

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

This herbal remedy tones uterus muscles and is packed with very critical vitamins and minerals for boosting your fertility. Some benefits include vitamin C, E, and strengthen the uterine lining. This herb improves the outcome of labor and prevents excessive bleeding after childbirth. Currently it is my favorite herb so far, due to various benefits for women’s health.

Dandelion Root & Leaf

Dandelion Root & Leaf known as Taraxium Officinalis provides liver support to help with hormonal health. This herb is high in vitamins and minerals that nourish the whole body and provide liver health.

Chaste berry (Vitex)

Chasteberry is also known as Vitex Agnes-castus. This particular herb has effects that will signal the brain to release a luteinizing hormone which is responsible for triggering ovulation. This helps the ovaries produce more progesterone, which is critical for supporting early pregnancy. Vitex also helps normalize hormone balance and regulates a healthy period and manages PMS symptoms. 

Many of these herbs come in teas, pills, and droplets. 

Milk Thistle

This herb is known as Silybum marianum. Milk Thistle stimulates the secretion of bile in the liver which aids in proper digestion of the hormone estrogen. 

Sting Nettle

The scientific name is Urtica dioica, this herb can be found in Europe, Asia, and North-Western Africa. Now, this herb can be found worldwide and is said to be helpful to remove fibroids, promote regulation of hormones, menstrual cycle, and reduce PMS symptoms. This herb has many other benefits like a digestive aid, urinary tract benefits, hair loss, hair conditions. 


Primarily used to treat low iron when dealing with fibroids. Yellow-Dock is used for poor digestion and liver detoxification. This herb was mentioned, but I still have yet to try this particular herb myself.

Heating Oil Packs

This method calls for flannel cloth, heating pad, and a towel used to help keep in the heat. Saturate the flannel cloth in Jamaican black castor oil. Place the flannel cloth on the lower abdomen, and place the heating pad over it. Sit in a quiet place, meditate, watch a show/movie for 30 minutes. There might be some dripping, so it’s a good idea to keep an extra towel around. This method is to be applied several times a week. It’s another way to effectively shrink fibroids and relieve pain.

Bonus, look up the benefits of molasses and fibroids, the benefits of this particular product regarding fibroids will surprise you.

Additional Support

Seeking additional help from a Naturopathic doctor to help identify the cause of certain foods that may be contributing to inflammation of the body. This is said to be one of the primary reasons for the fibroids appearing in the uterus. They can also help in balancing hormone levels. Accountability and Support from family, friends, and loved ones can make a huge impact. There will be days where you don’t feel like it or slip up and have that sweet snack.  Don’t worry and remember to be kind to yourself.

Let our team know if this list was helpful. If you want to know more information, drop a comment below and let’s continue the conversation here on 247LiveCulture.

Disclaimer: Please, consult with your healthcare provider before starting or any prolonged use of any of these herbs. I am not a healthcare professional nor do I claim to be one. I am sharing the herbs I have found to be helpful.




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