Exclusive | Brionna Taylor Talks Living Out Her Dream of Hosting Her Own Talk Show

Brionna Taylor Host Of ‘E-Koh Talk Show
I want to make ‘E-Koh a footprint in the land so that significant lifechanging stories can be heard whether it’s a big name celebrity or the up and coming talent so that people’s lives can be impacted and change can occur.

By: Omar Cook

This week’s “Who’s Hot?” Influencer of the Week is Brionna Taylor, a multimedia journalist, producer, documentarian and talk show host! Brionna is a versatile entrepreneur who is best known for breaking top sports and music exclusives.

Her works have been featured in top magazines and publications including ESPN, D Magazine, Okayplayer, AfroPunk, and OZY. Among those features, her stories have been placed in magazines displayed in Barnes & Noble, popular newsstands, Kroger, and CVS. Brionna also spent time working as a photographer for the Dallas Cowboys!

Brionna has had the opportunity to work alongside some top Hollywood talent and companies including Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, Guy Torry, Floyd Norman (Top Disney Animator), and Floyd Mayweather’s TMT Crew. In 2018, she launched and created her own talk show ‘E-Koh (pronounced echo), which aims to help bridge the gap between celebrities, rising talents, and locals. Through her career in multimedia storytelling, Brionna has made it her mission to expose her generation to true journalism and storytelling in a fun and modern way.

Brionna Taylor Talking With THEMXXNLIGHT On ‘E-Koh Talk Show

Brionna Taylor Talking With THEMXXNLIGHT On ‘E-Koh Talk Show

We talked with Brionna Taylor in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

What sparked you to start your Talk Show? How did the idea come about?

Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to have my own talk show. Early on, I remember watching almost every talk show from Planet Groove on BET and The Oprah Show to The Bonnie Hunt Show and George Lopez’s show late at night. However, I saw that the media often falls into a specific cycle where they only cover and showcase the same celebrities or stories. As a result, so many voices in society are left unheard. It’s important to remember that you don’t always have to have a big name to have a significant story. It’s not fair for so many demographics of people to be underrepresented in the media. I created my show ‘E-Koh (pronounced echo) to help bridge the gap between celebrities, rising talents, and locals. 

With ‘E-Koh, it is my aim to break the mold and bring something new to the industry. I want to help bring back true journalism and storytelling that’s past tabloid and gossip tv. My platform is here to help bring healing, inspire others, and take a deep inside look into these amazing individuals’ stories and art forms from a totally different perspective. A lot of the media and shows are beginning to fall into a specific blueprint that makes people feel disconnected and uninterested. We need that special feeling again and excitement. I really want to expose my generation, as well as others to true storytelling and bring forth a new vibe and platform. 

What advice would you give to young people looking to get a start in media?

My advice for young people looking to get a start in the media industry is to be a student of the craft and a life long learner. You have to pursue your dreams and passions and not allow others to put you in a box. A lot of times, that is a problem many people face when entering into this field. You don’t have to be a writer or just do news or cover sports. You can’t allow others’ opinions of how they view you to dictate your vision. 

Additionally, if you want to get a start in media, you always have to have a business mentality. Do not get caught up in the lime-lights and “fame.” It’s important to remember this is a business and the goal is to have ownership of your content and ideas. Have big vision and then stay true to that vision. Always be yourself and fully embrace that and own it. Be unapologetically you!

What are some of the necessary skills that you've seen are needed in this field?

In this field, you have to have skills in multimedia. You have to know how to do photography, videography, write and edit to truly be successful and stand out amongst the pool of other talented people. Multimedia is where it’s at if you really desire to thrive in media. You have to be diverse in your skills and maneuver within multimedia platforms. 

 A skill that everyone needs to exhibit effortlessly in the media is persistence. Without this, you will run into major problems especially when deadlines arise. In this business, you have to be able to meet deadlines and have a quick turn around with a great end product. That could be a video, article, or even a photo gallery. But, communication is the key more than anything and how you network. That’s everything. In the media whether your a producer, writer, journalist or on-air talent you have to be organized and able to plan ahead. 

What have been some of your failures, and what have you learned from them? 

Failure is a mindset so you have to plan ahead and pay attention to the details in your life. I honestly have been blessed not to have any failures within my career. You can learn from anything and see those things as an opportunity. It’s important to see all things as an opportunity for growth and development. 

Additionally, It’s all in perspective. When you properly immerse yourself in your craft and it becomes your lifestyle, not just something you do every now and then, success will follow. You cannot compromise. When you compromise you leave room for failure. I don't compromise. 

I always have an evaluative mindset because then by doing so you’re making adjustments all along. Do not wait until something falls. It’s important to be purpose-driven and know when not to waver. 

How do you define success and what motivates you?

For me, success is when I accomplish what I set out to do. Success is when your vision comes to life. However, I will say I do not stop and think about success because I'm always thinking about how I can level up and accomplish the next goals and tasks at hand. 

What motivates me is my passion for storytelling and I think your motivated when you know you are meant to do something. I’m motivated when I see other people in their grind and going out for what they sought out to do. I’m always inspired by the people around me. 

What are the overall goals for your show and what purpose do you want it to serve?

With my show ‘E-Koh, it is my overall goal to be a household name and create my own multimedia empire. I truly want to help change lives and leave people inspired by my show. I’m here to help break the media cycle and bridge the gap between celebrities, rising talents, and locals. 

My purpose is to create something new in the industry. I’ve prepared my whole life for what I’m doing now. I dedicated my life to this from obtaining my Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees, working as a Dallas Cowboys photographer, and consistently studying the greats and those who were overlooked in this industry. I’m here to take the skill of good true journalism and package it into a modern way with a new vibe. 

How do you build a successful fan base and how do you go about marketing your show?

I believe you build a successful fan base by finding a niche audience and by seeing who is underserved and then expand from there. I also think the guests speak for themselves and that is what often captivates the people's attention. When you have diversity in your topics and guests then your platform naturally becomes diverse. 

People rely upon the type of story you’re going to bring and the artists you’re going to present. The unique way I cover stories and bring forth the story alone has helped me market the show naturally. I do not copy or mimic anyone else’s approach. When you try to copy other’s way of doing things especially for talk shows you will stifle your growth and the people will be able to see that you’re not being authentic. The main approach to building a successful fan base and marketing whatever you're doing is by simply being uniquely you and owning who you are. Do not try mimicking what is already out there.  

What makes your brand stand out from others in your niche?

What makes my brand stand out from others in my niche is by far the guests and stories I’m able to find. I’ve had everyone on the show from Floyd Mayweather’s legendary TMT crew and bodyguards, Guy Torry, Grammy Award-Winning artists, former drug dealers, Disney animators, and even motivational speakers who have overcome prison and homelessness. 

Additionally, my background and education allow my brand to stand out from others in my niche. I have a Master’s Degree in Specialized Journalism and Documentary Filmmaking from USC and a Bachelor’s degree in Convergence Journalism along with real-world experience. I’m here to unite all people together regardless of their background and provide opportunities for people not just in the US, but around the world. 

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful entrepreneur?

I believe the key to being a successful entrepreneur is that you create your own formula. It’s also important to be selective about the opportunities you do take. It’s just like what Denzel Washington said. Your career and success are often shaped by the opportunities you do not take in life. 

To be a successful entrepreneur you have to be willing to do and go after the impossible. You have to be comfortable with breaking out of the mold and being unique. If someone wants to be successful in anything they do, they have to have big vision and refuse to dim their light even in the presence of doubters. 

What is your favorite aspect of being in media?

My favorite aspect of being in the media is that it’s everchanging and you can do and create what you want. If you do it right, you can tailor-make your own schedule and craft it to fit you. 

Brionna Taylor Talking With Chaz Bottoms On ‘E-Koh Talk Show

Brionna Taylor Talking With Chaz Bottoms On ‘E-Koh Talk Show

What sacrifices have you had to make your dream a reality?

What others call sacrifice, I call discipline. Everything I do and go after is all apart of my lifestyle. When you live a purpose-driven life, it’s a part of who you are and in your DNA so things aren’t viewed as a sacrifice. You have to ask yourself what you want most out of this life and what is your agenda? By doing so, your perspective shifts and you begin to see these things aren’t sacrifices, but it’s all apart of the master plan. 

What company or business do you admire most other than yours and why?

There is not a specific company or brand that specifically hone in on. I admire companies and brands that are forward-thinking and master the minor details which leads to a major reward. You have to be creative in the content and products you push out. 

A prime example of this is what the Kardashians can do with their businesses. They know how to create multiple brands and do them with excellence. They pay attention to the little details that most people often ignore. For example, how they deal with marketing, color palettes, and packaging is the next level. They are creating the wave. I admire their forward-thinking mentality. 

I also admire K.A.Y.O Da Konspiracy who is a rising artist that came on my show. He created his own business H.O.B.O which stands for Honoring Ourselves Building Others. With this company/movement, he strives to help provide clothing and support for those experiencing homelessness and tough times. I think this is great because he created a brand that easily became a movement and tends to the masses that are often forgotten. I admire that the business he created was unselfish and strives to empower the people. When we empower others, we empower ourselves. 

Where do you see yourself and your business in 10 years?

In ten years, I see myself and business being a global name. I see the show expanding globally and owning my own studio and production company. I also see myself creating other platforms for others to shine and move into power positions. 




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