Interviews 3 Omar Cook Interviews 3 Omar Cook

Kallista Lux Talks Working on a New EP and New Single “Perfect Storm”

Houston singer, Kallista Lux, talks her latest single, “Perfect Storm,” helping others, and working on a new EP in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
What motivates me is love and bliss.. When we strip away everything, our core being and the essence of what we are is unconditional love. No matter how much we’ve been hurt or conditioned out of living as our core essence, we can always get back there.
— Kallista Lux

By: Adonis Armstrong

We talked with Houston artist, Kallista Lux, in an exclusive interview!  She has been songwriting for 13 years and recently started recording her own music. With a passion for writing since childhood, she began writing songs at the age of 9 and even got her first book published at 8 years old. After freestyling with some friends and seeing the impact of music at 16, she started writing for various artists and discovered a whole new world of possibilities. Now, as an artist, Kallista finds releasing her own music to be a relieving experience, allowing her to share her personal stories and emotions with the world. Making music has become an unparalleled outlet for her, providing a sense of freedom and empowerment.

Kallista Lux

Kallista Lux single “Perfect Storm:"

Kallista Lux just dropped four new singles “Perfect Storm,” “Perfect Storm Remix,” “No Pressure,” and “Glimpses.” Her music is a interesting fusion of neo-soul, R&B, and alternative elements, characterized by her soothing vocals, introspective lyrics, and dreamy production. Her songs dives into themes of love, spirituality, and self-discovery, reflecting her personal experiences and emotions. With an authentic and vulnerable approach, Kallista's music offers an intimate and introspective journey.

Kallista Lux - “Perfect Storm”

We talked with Kallista Lux in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

KALLISTA LUX: In the indie music industry we’re all a collective collaborating with and inspiring each other. Rooting for and supporting each other along our journeys. That’s what I love about music. The massive power it has to bring people together and bring about healing is a beautiful thing. I can’t say I have a favorite musician because everyone brings a uniqueness to the table that makes it like comparing apples to oranges. Individuality and authenticity are the qualities that resonate with me the most on a soul level. I gravitate towards artists that speak their truth and just be themselves in the work they put out. Just be you, let my soul recognize your soul, and you’ll be one of my favorite musicians.

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

KALLISTA LUX: I’d love to collaborate with Jhene Aiko, Iniko, and Tobe Nwigwe. I like the consciousness of their music and they embody everything I gravitate towards in music and artistry.

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

KALLISTA LUX: I’m still growing and always learning, and I think that shows in each song I release. So I’d say the best song would be my most recent single, ‘Perfect Storm’. It shows my growth but was also a huge release for me emotionally and energetically. With love and gratitude I was able to let go of a relationship that was no longer serving me or the other person and it was a big turning point in my life. It has a lot of sentimental value and significance to me, and plays a role in the person I’m becoming. I was happy to be able to share that part of myself from a loving and healed place.

What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

KALLISTA LUX: I’m releasing something special that I collaborated with a really good friend and beautiful soul on very soon. I’m also working on an EP so I have a lot in the works that I hope is as healing to others as it is to me!

How do you generate new ideas for your music?

KALLISTA LUX: It’s really automatic. It’s more so a mental or brain wave state that I get in that allows creation to flow to and through me, completely uninhibited. I guess you could say I just get in my “zone”.

What motivates you and how do you define success?

KALLISTA LUX: What motivates me is love and bliss.. When we strip away everything, our core being and the essence of what we are is unconditional love. No matter how much we’ve been hurt or conditioned out of living as our core essence, we can always get back there. Unconditional love is the most powerful and unifying force in existence. It can heal the masses. Largely what motivates me is being that love and that light for others, making a difference in the lives of individuals and creating (if even a small one) a ripple effect in humanity by making us a more loving, conscious, symbiotic species. I mention bliss because I believe happiness is a fleeting feeling, and bliss is a state of being. If I’m serving my purpose here on earth and living in a state of bliss, success is just a byproduct of my alignment with my core essence. I always align first; as they say “As within so without”. It all starts from within. 

Kallista Lux - “Glimpses”

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

KALLISTA LUX: I don’t really have a box that I fit in in particular. As a songwriter I’ve written everything from trap music in my younger days to meditation music more recently, and just about everything in between. As an artist I’ll be honest, I have an agenda when it comes to music. I want what I do to help people, and induce a healing effect on my audience. I’ve had a healing business for years and am a practitioner of several modalities that are backed by science. I’ve studied a lot and teached and worked with people from all backgrounds, and am now able to merge that with what I do in creating music. Yes, I go through dark times like everyone else and people will get that aspect of me in my music as well. I like to think of us humans as corks, because given the right tools and being loved properly- we may sink but we always float back up to the top. I want to see everyone float, that’s all.

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

KALLISTA LUX: Just be you. Follow your bliss. Do what lights you up and always practice gratitude.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

KALLISTA LUX: My illusion of perfectionism, my stability at times, relationships with the closest people to me, etc. I’m not afraid to let it all go to serve what I believe is my purpose here.

Kallista Lux - “Perfect Storm Remix”

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

KALLISTA LUX: All The part that excites me the most is being in the studio recording. Just the creative energy that flows through me in what I call “my sanctuary” is unparalleled to anything else. I live my best life in there. The part that discourages me is probably the thing that runs through a lot of our minds often. Am I good enough? It doesn’t discourage me, as I recognize that it’s just past conditioning and fear creeping in. It’s a natural part of the human condition, and being able to see those thoughts for what they are really helps me transcend them. We’re all good enough.

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

KALLISTA LUX: Everyone will have to see in 10 years! I will say I have a master plan, so anyone that follows my career will see things unfold.

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

KALLISTA LUX: Just be you. You’re enough.

Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

KALLISTA LUX: This From the bottom of my heart I just appreciate everyone that’s listened to and supported me and my music. I’m grateful for my soul tribe, and every time that doubt creeps in- they’re there supporting and confirming that I’m doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing. I love them.




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Interviews 3 Omar Cook Interviews 3 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Yannie Jones Talks The Release Of Her Debut EP "Fazes"

Inglewood singer, Yannie Jones talks the release of her debut EP, Fazes, and being influenced by her mother to pursue music in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

Yannie Jones
I just want to make music that helps people heal through their hurt.
— Yannie Jones

By: Omar Cook

Inglewood singer, Yannie Jones, dropped her debut EP titled Fazes. The EP has 4 hot tracks with features from P1, and Steve G. Lover III. From the jump, Fazes opens up with a dope upbeat vibe with her track “P1” and finishes with a laid back banger, “Temporary”. The EP definitely will leave you wanting to hear more from this upcoming west coast artist. artist.

“I am Yannie Jones and I'm from Inglewood, CA. I have my Bachelors Degree in Psychology with a concentration on adolescent development. I finished school after having my son, in 2017. I am a full believer in doing what feels right at the right time. My journey has taken me through some different detours, or Fazes if you will, but I am proud of where it has landed me. Entering my 3rd decade of life, I have crossed so much off my list of goals and plan to keep setting and reaching them. With years of content and life experience, I am so excited for what the future holds. God has given me gifts I wasn't able to see until now and I plan on using them for the rest of my days.”

Yannie Jones - Show Me (feat. P1)

We talked with Yannie Jones in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Yannie Jones: Well, I come from a family of music lovers, singers and musicians. I've been singing since I could talk. But, I recorded my first song when I was 15 years old. A group of my friends wanted to start a management agency; it was called “The Circle”, and I was one of their proteges. They booked my first studio session. 

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Yannie Jones: My mom has always been my biggest influence. She was signed to Motown in the 80s and is the reason I love to sing. She would play Anita Baker, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Tamia, and Deborah Cox on our rides to and from school. She would drive an expedition full of girls who loved to sing and mainly because of how enjoyable she made it seem. It made us happy - still does.

Yannie Jones Talks The Release Of Her Debut EP "Fazes"

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Yannie Jones: I really like Vedo. Other than his voice being beautiful, I respect his hustle and how he came up from covers and just showcasing his talent proudly. I also have to thank him for his song “You got it” … I went through a faze where I was really unappreciated in a previous relationship and my best friend sent me that song. I cried and listened to it on repeat for dayssss. It helped me out the funk.

What inspired you to create your EP “Fazes”?

Yannie Jones: I was actually working on an album. (I still am.) In the midst of that, I created “Fazes” unintentionally. ¾ songs were created in one 4-hour session. The 4th song was made the next day. They seemed to tell a very clear story of different moments in life and love and the idea of making it an EP just came to me. It made sense that it would be my “hello” to the music scene officially. 

What is your favorite track on the project and why?

Yannie Jones: Honestly, it changes every day. Right now, I'd say my favorite is “Never Thought” ft. Steve G. Lover. The song is full of feelings I’ve had multiple times in life. I love remembering the writing process and how naturally it came together. Then of course the vulnerability in the lyrics. We’re always hopeful in the beginning but most of the time, it ain't what we thought it would be, right? 

Yannie Jones Talks The Release Of Her Debut EP "Fazes"

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Yannie Jones: Typically I'll hear a melody on a beat or think a phrase would be a cool song concept and I go from there. I hate forcing things so I pray on them, let go and let God. 

What motivates you and how do you define success?

Yannie Jones: My son, Nieko, is the biggest motivation I could ever dream of. After having him, I realized I could do anything. As long as I don't waste my time here on earth, use all of my blessings and never stop trying, I’ll be successful. 

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Yannie Jones: I would describe my music as relatable. I think when listening to my music, you know I wrote it and went through it. I don't know if that separates me but I don't really want to know. I just want to make music that helps people heal through their hurt.

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Yannie Jones: I guess it's proven that things have helped artists be successful - mainly money. But I always love to see it when talent is the reason behind someone’s big break! Not just a great marketing scheme. Like Bryson Tiller who borrowed $600 for a set up and changed his own life. No marketing scheme told him to buy that set up. That was meant to happen. 

Yannie Jones - Temporary

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Yannie Jones: My family. In them, I have such a solid foundation. It's because of them I am not afraid to fail. I can make a million mistakes and fall down a trillion times and they will be there to pick me up and tell me to keep going. I need them. They will forever be my inspiration and reminder to focus on my own path.

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Yannie Jones: I looooove me some Jhene! As a person, her genuineness is so beautiful. I've met Jhene a couple times just being from LA and being tied to a few of the same people but when I see her she is always so humble and greets me with love. Idk if she does that to everybody but I be feelin special. Lol. She sings her ass off. She's so relatable. She is movingly melodic. She's a mom. She’s a family person. She’s from LA!  Yea, Jhene is my girl. Love her and all of her influence. Love to see her succeed and continue to rise. 

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Yannie Jones: Passion is a good one! My mood changes so much, one beat can make me feel sad and another can make me feel excited and proud. But I am passionate about it all.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Well, I work 2 jobs. Im raising a 5 year old black boy and still investing in myself and my dreams. I know I’m just getting started but it's all been out of pocket and I'm doing it because I have a little person watching me. I never want him to give up on what he loves doing. No matter how long it takes. So the answer is time. I think time is the biggest sacrifice I’ve made. My journey is full of speed bumps and stop signs and Ima keep going. But I be tired. Lol.

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Hearing it back! Hearing what I wrote in the bathtub or the voice memo I made in the car on wax, that is the most exciting part to me. The discouraging part is when I hear counterproductive opinions. People can be so evil and not realize how sensitive artists can be. I’m working on not letting that affect me.

Yannie Jones - Never Thought (feat. Steve G. Lover III)

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Well for starters out of my email! I've been collecting the bounces of my studio sessions for 15 years and this is the first time I've dropped a project. I'm recording with intent and I want multiple No.1s! I also work in behavior therapy  and as an outreach coordinator, so I want to expand that and have somewhat of a big brother big sister entity and curate events that will enrich the child experience to be more enjoyable and therapeutic. I think we all need therapy and should not wait until we're adults to get it.

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Do what makes sense to you. And be honest with yourself. So when the going gets tough, you know why you're doing it and nothing can distract you or change what you already know is right for you.

Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Album comin soooooon!



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Interviews 3 Omar Cook Interviews 3 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Kyle Banks Talks the Release of His Project 'Green Light'

Los Angeles singer, Kyle Banks talks his journey into music, his motivation, musical influences, and the release of his project, Green Light, in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

Kyle Banks | Who's Hot? Interview
What motivates me most is knowing where I wanna be in life and knowing I have to take care of my family.
— Kyle Banks

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the weekk is Los Angeles singer, Kyle Banks! Kyle brings a dope sound and it’s hard to find a bad track from this emerging artist. His most recent project Green Light features 6 must listen to tracks, including some features from Cozz, Bino Rideaux, and Teejay3k and more; all bangers, no skips! He also recently collaborated with fellow LA artist 1TakeOcho on a dope single “Best Life”. Kyle Banks is ready to be R&B’s next star, and is set to drop a new project in 2021.

Kyle Banks - My Way (Official Music Video)

We talked with Kyle Banks in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Kyle Banks: I’ve been making music for 5 years now. During this journey I’ve been blessed to be around supportive individuals that all want the best for me, from my friends family and team.

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Kyle Banks: My favorite musicians are CB, MJ , TY DOLLA, lil Durk , Roddy, DRAKE. I would love to Collaborate with all of them because I try to incorporate there style in mine.

Kyle Banks Music Interview

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Kyle Banks: I feel like my best song is “Wind It Down” because it shows my range an diversity.

What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Kyle Banks: I’m dropping a new project top of the year with 7 songs, that I’m very comfortable about.

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Kyle Banks: When I’m in the studio I come up with ideas by thinking of real life things or situations I feel people go through.

What motivates you and how do you define success?

Kyle Banks: What motivates me most is knowing where I wanna be in life an knowing I have to take care of my family.

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Kyle Banks: I feel my music is different because I make any kinda music. I try to incorporate singing with talk singing and real instruments to give a live feeling.

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Kyle Banks: My greatest inspiration is my mom because she taught me what strength was an is.

Kyle Banks Music Interview

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Kyle Banks: I feel Drake is the most influential artist of my decade because he proved he can make any kind of music at a high level.

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Kyle Banks: I put a lot of passion in my music because everything I talk about is real.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Kyle Banks: I lost a lot of friends on this journey because they simply didn’t get the road I was on an thats okay.

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Kyle Banks: The whole creative process of music excites me. I hate the politics but there’s politics in everything.

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Kyle Banks: In 10 years I see my self as a top five artist in the world.

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Kyle Banks: Advice I would give to anyone on the journey is to keep going!



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Interviews 3 Omar Cook Interviews 3 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Singer Zakiya Harmony Talks Creating Her Own Sound Through Neo-Soul

Atlanta singer, Zakiya Harmony talks making an impact on the world through her music, becoming a successful indie artist, and creating her own sound through neo-soul in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

Zakiya Harmony
I just want to impact the world through positive music and music that has helped me get through so many obstacles in life. Everyone has a purpose in life and I believe my purpose is to inspire others through music.
— Zakiya Harmony

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Atlanta singer, songwriter, and musician, Zakiya Harmony! She began her music journey playing the saxophone in her elementary school band at the age of 9. Zakiya was a rapper for several years as an adolescent into adulthood, and it wasn’t until the birth of her son and losing her job as an educator in 2012 that she realized she needed to reevaluate her life.

She taught herself how to play guitar and wrote songs as as a way to express herself. Zakiya has performed at Sweet Auburn Festival, Yellow Daisy Festival, Callanwolde Arts Festival, Chastain Park Arts Festival, and The Piedmont Arts Festival, as well as many other venues around the Atlanta area. Zakiya’s unique style of music and her life story is what sets her apart from so many other artists as she brings a soulful and sultry style to her music.

Zakiya Harmony - Apology

We talked with Zakiya Harmony in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Zakiya Harmony: I’ve been making music for about 5 years now.

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Zakiya Harmony: Tori Kelly, Brandy, Monica, TLC, H.E.R, and Ari Lennox.

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Zakiya Harmony: I would love to collaborate with Babyface and Stevie Wonder. I feel like they are musical geniuses.

Zakiya Harmony

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Zakiya Harmony: The best song I’ve ever released was the first song I wrote and composed called “Apology”. I feel like I was going through different emotions at the time and it’s so raw to me because I had just began to sing and play guitar 6 months prior.

What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Zakiya Harmony: The Diary part.2 (My third EP)

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Zakiya Harmony: I typically go off of things that I’ve gone through and life experiences that I can express through songs.

Zakiyah Harmony | Six | Session 9

What motivates you and how do you define success?

Zakiya Harmony: Seeing other artists who were indie artists become successful motivates me the most. I define success by making a living doing what you love.

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Zakiya Harmony: I would say I’m a mix between neo-soul and R&B. What makes me different is my unique voice and sound.

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Zakiya Harmony: Hard work + talent + faith 

Zakiya Harmony

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Zakiya Harmony: My greatest inspiration is my son.

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Zakiya Harmony: I would have to say H.E.R she’s super talented and I have a lot of respect for her because she is a musician that plays multiple instruments.

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Zakiya Harmony: I’d have to say passion because when I write most of my songs 9/10 I’m going through that exact situation in that moment.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Zakiya Harmony: I’ve had to give up sleep. I’m a teacher and I have to sometimes go from a late night gig straight to work the next morning.

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Zakiya Harmony: The aspect that excites me the most is being able to create my own sound from the beat/chords to the words in the song. What discourages me is what’s popular now in music. You really don’t have to have talent these days to become a successful artist.

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Zakiya Harmony: I see myself writing for major artists and performing my music all over the world.

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Zakiya Harmony: Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I was boo’d off the stage during my first performance. I had only been singing for about 6 months and wanted to go perform just to get my feet wet. I kept working on my craft and booked several gigs at that same location 2 years later as a headliner.

Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Zakiya Harmony: I started singing when I was 28. I started playing guitar 6 months after that. I write all my music and I play 2 other instruments.



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Dre Walton Talks Motivation From His Daughter and Making Feel Good Music

Cleveland singer, Dre Walton, talks being motivated by the addition of his daughter and making feel good music for his fans in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

Dre Walton
What separates me from other artists in my genre is the fact that I’m a RAW talent. No autotune needed, I write all of my own material and sing it.
— Dre Walton

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Cleveland singer, Dre Walton! Dre brings a soulful R&B sound which reminds you of artists such as Lyfe Jennings, T-Pain and Tank. He recently dropped a new video to his song "WYDT" which stands for “what you doing tonight.” Dre Walton has a laid back vibe and relatable lyrics that anyone can get into. This is definitely an artist you should add to your playlist!

Dre Walton - "WYDT" (Official Lyric Video)

We talked with Dre Walton in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Dre Walton: I’ve been making music since probably around the age of 14. I always knew I could sing but I started to write my own music at that age. I just tried my hand at it and it sounded decent for a young teen.

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Dre Walton: My biggest influences musically would have to be Tank and Avant. I believe I carry a little bit of both artists in my own bag. Avant being from Cleveland Ohio like myself and him being the last R&B artist from my city to be signed and recognized nationally. I met Tank via Twitter around 2010 or something and ended up opening his Savage Tour stop in Cleveland in 2017. 

Dre Walton | Who's Hot? Interview

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Dre Walton: I’d like to work with Ty Dolla $ign, Chris Brown, Tank, ASAP Ferg & Rocky…H.E.R., SIR, Anderson Paak. All these artists have significant sounds and hold down their perspective lanes in the music industry. I respect that. And they’re all original artists they don’t sound like anyone else. 

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Dre Walton: I believe ALL of my work is BEST because the world hasn’t heard my sound yet. My personal favorite record of mine is “11.16” because it represents & signifies a shift in my life and career as a man and artist. All my work is based on True stories.

What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Dre Walton: I have a few projects I’ve been working on. 2021 is going to be a ride for everyone who’s been supporting and everyone who becomes a fan of what I do! 

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Dre Walton: Everything I write is from experience so it might be someone I know dealing with something or me personally dealing with something rather good or bad. I write about it. That’s how I get my ideas out. After I roll a few joints of the “Pressure Pack” lol. 

What motivates you and how do you define success?

Dre Walton: Life motivates me. My daughter Melody Rain recently came into the world so she’s added much more motivation since then. I love her life. Success to me is being able to do what you love , take care of your family and doing good with your people while doing it. I really want my gifts to be able to take care of my family for generations to come. 

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Dre Walton: I make music that feels good!! You can pop my songs on and every one of them will make you feel good, feel like dancing, making love or all the above at the same time. What separates me from other artists in my genre is the fact that I’m a RAW talent. No autotune needed, I write all of my own material and sing it. I’m also a Veteran of the US ARMY; I’ve been deployed twice to Iraq in my younger years. 

Dre Walton | Who's Hot? Interview

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Dre Walton: Yes, but it isn’t the same for all artists. The common thing is staying consistent. Repetition is another. Keeping God first is number one. 

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Dre Walton: My Family. 

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Dre Walton: Hmmmm. I’d say Beyonce and Jay-Z…like it or not they are the culture in black music. 

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Dre Walton: Joy, Passion and Love.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Dre Walton: I left the military in 2010 to make music. I could have stayed in and got a great steady paycheck and benefits after 20 years but my heart wasn’t in that. I’ve been without a car, a job, money, and a peace of mind. I’ve spent thousands in my career to do what needs to be done. I regret nothing.

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Dre Walton: Creating. The entire process from the idea to the finished product. The part that discourages me the most is when you’re independent and its hard to reach an audience outside your current area until you start to branch outside of your hometown. 

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Dre Walton: I see myself Grammy award winning. Multiple accolades in the music industry, writing for some of the upcoming artists and eventually running my own record label. 

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Dre Walton: Don’t give up if it’s something you want, do whatever you have to do to make it happen. Its a Marathon not a sprint. Enjoy the ride have fun with your art.



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Singer Kalenbree Talks Her Upcoming Sophomore Project 'Panda'

Georgia singer, Kalenbree talks the upcoming release of her sophomore project, Panda, and growing up singing in the church in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

Kalenbree | Who's Hot? Interview
My music is something for people to vibe to, to cry to, and shake their ass to if they want to! My music is genre defying and revolutionary.
— Kalenbree

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Georgia singer, Kalenbree! Kalenbree is a versatile artist out of Decatur who has the ability to switch her flow from song to song. This artist can sing, rap, play the guitar, and is a crowd engaging performer. After releasing her first full project “Indigo Child” in 2018, Kalenbree is set to drop her sophomore project “Panda” this year and she recently dropped a new single called “1999”. This is an exciting artist on the rise that you certainly want to keep your eyes on as you can’t help but get caught up in her vibe when you turn the music on.

Kalenbree - 1999

We talked with Kalenbree in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Kalenbree: I was groomed in a musically inclined family, both my mother and my father are singers and instrumentalists which influenced me to create music of my own at a very young age. I was a frequent church goer so naturally this is where I got my first opportunity to showcase my talents. It all happened like this: 

 My youth pastor caught me singing one day with my friends and she said, “You sing?” And my friends butted in to say, “And she plays guitar!” Then my Youth Pastor goes, “You’re singing next Sunday!” And leaves! I really wanted to be an author originally so, I honestly didn’t want to do it, but I did it anyway. I sang in front of a huge crowd of kids and I was really close to getting up and leaving. But she made me stay and sing, and when i finished I had the straightest look on my face...then everyone started cheering and clapping and I was very surprised! I thought to myself, “Hm... I like this feeling. Maybe I should do this more often.” So, I performed every other Sunday at my church, and I got more and more confident in my music and decided to keep going and I haven’t stopped since. Ironically enough, I never decided that I was going to do music with my life until 2017.

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Kalenbree: My biggest influences are my personal experiences in life; I am a very passionate person, but when I was younger I had terrible anger issues and needed an outlet. Music saved my life. The people who influenced me where my mother, my youth pastor, and Erykah Badu, India Arie, Ed Sheeran and Kendrick. Ed Sheeran was my biggest influence ever though and my favorite artist at the time.

My favorite artist is Kendrick Lamar and it will always be Kendrick Lamar. But, I also love SZA, SahBabii, Louis Armstrong, Erykah Badu, Smino, Masego. 

Kalenbree | Who's Hot? Interview

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Kalenbree: I want to collab with Doja Cat, Tierra Whack, Masego, Smino, Kaash Paige, Xiamara and Jelani Imani. I just really fuck with them as artists and I feel like we would make great music!

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Kalenbree: The best song I have out right now numbers-wise is “Decatur” but “1999” is also a favorite of mine. My song “Decatur” is my baby and it changed my whole sound; I made a song about where I grew up at and it was everyone’s favorite song at the time. I just really love the vibes of it and I freestyled the whole thing so it was really fun for me to make. I’ve only put out one project thus far called Indigo Child which is a collection of songs that holds a special place in my heart because it’s very personal and signifies the start of my musical career as a recording artist. 

Kalenbree - BUBBLEGUM

What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Kalenbree: Everyone can look forward to my next EP Panda dropping some time this year! And a song with me and DavidTheTragic as well.

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Kalenbree: I generate new ideas based on my emotions and what’s happened to me in my life. Making music is a coping mechanism and outlet for my feelings. I always feel super relieved after making a song, I guess you can say that creating music is therapeutic for me. 

Kalenbree | Who's Hot? Interview

What motivates you and how do you define success?

Kalenbree: The people, my family, my friends, and my supporters all motivate me. My ambition stems from my need to win. I define success as joy. When I am undoubtedly happy and the people around me are happy is when I believe I have become successful, believe it or not, I want everyone who helped me to eat, even the ones I fell out with. 

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

A: My music is something for people to vibe to, to cry to, and shake their ass to if they want to! My music is genre defying and revolutionary. My intentions and reasons for doing music are all genuine since it is out of the love for it. That’s also what makes me different.  

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Kalenbree: I don’t think that there’s any specific formula to success. Every successful artist has their own journey and their own story to getting to where they are now. Times change all the time, so no one thing is going to work for everyone. I believe once you find your niche, everything else is based on the people around you, you’re mindset, and the law of attraction.

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Kalenbree: My mother is my greatest inspiration. She took care of me a supported my music career first before anyone else did. She went above and beyond to throw me my first show ever. She beat cancer, and still continues to be so hardworking despite her health conditions. It’s just inspirational and lets me know that I have no excuses as to why I’m not working hard.

Kalenbree | Who's Hot? Interview

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Kalenbree: The most influential and successful in my genre today? I make alternative r&b, so SZA, Frank Ocean definitely, and The Weeknd. 

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Kalenbree: Passion definitely. I’m passionate about everything I do. Even the things I say I’m passionate about. I guess it’s cause I’m an Aries.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Kalenbree: I had to sacrifice comfortability. Like, I could’ve had a regular job, good pay and focus on school, having enough to move out as soon as I got into college, and live a normal comfortable life. But, I put my all into music. I put all my eggs in one basket and bet it all on music.

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Kalenbree: Performing excites me the most! I love being on stage and I love the crowd. I’m my happiest when I’m on stage. What discourages me the most is my own thoughts. I struggle with being positive 24/7, but I’m only human. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m a good enough artist to make it, wonder why I’m not making it ASAP.

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Kalenbree: I see myself on tour, winning hella awards and changing millions of lives along the way.

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Kalenbree: I would say, “keep going, accept criticism in all shapes and forms and never take anything to personally, set standards, and always have people around you that will tell you the truth, because those are the people who genuinely want to see you win and care for you.”

Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Kalenbree: Only that I’m always evolving and I will continuously drop music,visuals, and cater to my fanbase. My music career has only just started, stay tuned for more Kalenbree.



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Nadiya Talks Her Latest Mixtape 'Summer Nights'

Virginia R&B singer, Nadiya, talks the release of her latest mixtape 'Summer Nights' and expressing herself through her writing in exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
Nadiya Music Interview
The more I learn about myself and the world, the more I’m motivated to create. Not just for myself but because I want to share that feeling with others.

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is R&B singer Nadiya! Nadiya hails from Chesapeake, Virginia and at the age of 20, this artist that carries a seasoned voice. She is currently a junior at the University of Mary Washington where she is studying Computer Science and Music Technology. Nadiya released her mixtape Enlightenment last year and followed with a joint mixtape called Summer Nights this year!

I promised my family a bachelor's degree at the minimum. But when doing homework or I’m not making music, I love writing/journaling, reading, or watching some type of cartoons. I’m also really into meditation and yoga. I’m a very contemplative person and I love learning new things about life. My main goal in life is to do what I love, see the world, and have happiness.

Nadiya is an up and coming artist that has an excellent catalogue of music already at an early age and is showing no signs of slowing up!

We talked with Nadiya in an exclusive interview, check it out below!


Nadiya: I wrote my first song at about six, but I’ve only recently started putting music out the summer of my freshman year of college. I just kind of got tired of waiting for an opportunity to put myself out there and started recording on my own in my closet at home. Music has been my thing since I can remember. I don’t come from a crazy musical family, but it's just always been something I felt like I needed to do. 

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians? 

Nadiya: I’m influenced by tons of people, too many to count. My biggest influences you can maybe hear in my music are probably Amy Winehouse or Jhene Aiko. My all time favorite musician is definitely Frank Ocean. He writes the most beautiful music I’ve ever heard and I have so much respect for him. If I could ask for anything, I would want to just be there with him during his process of creating. 

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Nadiya: This is a really good question that I honestly have never thought about before. I think a collab with JID, Blood Orange, or J. Cole would be crazy. 

Nadiya Artist Of The Week

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why? 

Nadiya: My favorite song I wrote would have to be “Love is Right Here.” I love the meaning behind it, like telling someone you don’t have to look far because I’m right here to love you. I love the idea of giving love to someone because I have the ability to. Also, I’m a big fan of the harmonies in the chorus. My next favorite would be “U Care.” The process of that song is my favorite. I remember just getting the idea and hammering it out in like 3-4 hours, and writing as I go. The songs that just naturally happen like that are always the best. 

What projects can we look forward to in the near future? 

Nadiya: I've been doing more collaborative stuff this year with other artists, but I plan on getting another solo project out in the next few months. If you want to check out one of the collaborative projects I worked on this summer they’re here:

Nadiya - Summer Nights

—> Apple Music:

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Nadiya: I have to have a beat that speaks to me but there’s no crazy process behind it. I kind of just feel it really. I always want my music to represent me authentically, so writing is just me expressing myself and how I feel in the moment. 

What motivates you and how do you define success? 

Nadiya: The more I learn about myself and the world, the more I’m motivated to create. Not just for myself but because I want to share that feeling with others. I think that would be the definition of my own success, being able to reach as many people I can and being able to spark some sort of inspiration in others and be what my favorite artists were for me for others. 

How would you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Nadiya: I think my music can be described as smooth, soft, maybe sweet R&B. I’m sure anyone whose spoken to me would agree that it’s pretty much a painted picture of who I am. I think what separates me from other is my openness to different sounds/feelings. I want to continue to open myself to many more sounds and types of music. 

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist? 

Nadiya: Not exactly. I believe that most artists are successful because they have something new to offer that others don’t, something that can separate them from others. 

Nadiya Artist Of The Week

Who is your greatest inspiration?

Nadiya: Everyone that I love is an inspiration to me. I learn so much everyday from the people in my circle and that pushes me to do the things that I love which is create. However, of course I definitely want to do this for my family and my future family. Whenever I think about that, there’s always inspiration. 

In your opinion, who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why? 

Nadiya: Definitely Beyonce. She has built everything she has mainly with just her talent which is something I can respect. Her fanbase is a prime example of just how influential she is and how she will continue to remain successful while her legacy carries on. There’s no denying that. 

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why? 

Nadiya: I try to be as uplifting as possible. We all go through shit, I, out of anyone, can definitely understand that. I try to relate to every emotion cause at the end of the day we’re all going through different varieties of the same thing. We all want the same thing. We all want to be happy. A big part of my music is just the process of learning life as I go and that encompasses all different types of emotions. 

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality? 

Nadiya: My dreams are still in the making. Being in school, I have to make sacrifices all the time whether it be to study later and write now or vice versa. I would say that moving away from my family would definitely be the biggest sacrifice I would make just because I’m such a big family person. 

Nadiya Music Interview

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most? 

Nadiya: Definitely hearing the end product is my favorite. I’m always like “ Wow, I really did that shit.” Feeling the result of what you yourself created is a feeling that you can’t really compare to others. I probably feel the most discouraged if I’m not getting the results I initially heard in my head before recording. Ultimately, it always works out in the end. 

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years? 

Nadiya: It might sound crazy but I don’t really like to think too deep into the future. I don’t like to have giant expectations for the way my life pans out, I’d rather let things run how they should. I would say that the only real goal I have for the next few years is moving from the east coast to the west, which I think ultimately would benefit me and my music. 

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry? 

Nadiya: I for sure don’t have all of the answers to this life, but I would encourage others to stay true to who you are first. There’s a lot of people doing things for the wrong reasons- trying to be like someone else, ultimately not benefitting their true self. I don’t think that’s cool or helpful. It takes a while to really find yourself- I’m still deep in the process, but if you dedicate everything to finding out who you really are, that’s when everything falls into place I believe. 

Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music? 

Nadiya: I’m still pretty young, I just turned 20, so I expect my music to grow and change along with me. This is all a process as I’m still trying to find myself so I appreciate any and everyone who appreciates me as an artist.



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Singer NIKO Talks Being Versatile as an Artist And Working on Her Debut EP

Detroit singer, NIKO talks having versatility as an artist, creating her debut EP, and being inspired by her grandmother in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

NIKO Exclusive Music Interview
I don’t want to be put in a box by society because the industry does enough of that. If you hear me singing R&B one day and Rock the next, mind your business.

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Detroit native and singer, NIKO! This artist brings a chill vibe to her music, with tracks you can vibe to at anytime. For the past few years NIKO was always featured on other's music and projects until she finally decided to take matters into her own hands. NIKO blends her aggressive attitude with her melodic voice while utilizing her skills in sheet music and songwriting. This a young artist who is doing music the right way; add her to your playlist!

We talked with NIKO in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

NIKO: Although I knew the creative realm was for me for a long time, I always wrote in middle school and then I started recording features once I got to highschool. However, it wasn't until 2018 that I finally recorded my written music. 

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

NIKO: I’m most inspired by Jazmine Sullivan, Jhene Aiko, James Fauntleroy and Frank Ocean. I’ve always clinged to artists who never hesitated to get their point across regardless of the style.

NIKO Artist Of The Week

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

NIKO: I would love to collaborate with Smino, Anderson Paak, James Fauntleroy and Ty Dolla $ign. All of them are very versatile, any song they touch is quality. 

What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

NIKO: Since I've only just started recording all of my creations are on Soundcloud, everyone's favorite sound by me is “Needed You”. 

What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

NIKO: I’m currently working on an EP, I'm still unsure of the title. I want it to be perfect, for my first official project. 

How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

NIKO: I don't have a set process when generating new ideas for music, some ideas come from how I’m feeling in that moment. Most times I'll listen to the beat and hum different melodies then insert keywords I hear. 

What motivates you and how do you define success?

NIKO: As cliche as it sounds, my source of motivation comes from my hometown, Detroit. I'm from a city where the history of music is monumental and talent is everywhere. Success is more than just having commas in your bank account but also being mentally stable and satisfied with the hard work you've put in. 

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

NIKO: My music is nice nasty, I don't mind to hear a soothing beat and snapping on it. I like to think I bring a contrast to my music. I want people to hear the beat and expect me to sing a certain way about a specific subject and it turns out completely different.

NIKO Music Interview

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

NIKO: Not necessarily formulas sound so strict, I think strategies are the key to being a successful artist. It's all about that individual artist and their goal and purpose. Being in a creative realm should never have limitations or rules. 

Who is your greatest inspiration?

NIKO: My greatest inspiration is my grandmother Joyce, though she's been without us for a few years and I lost her way before I started taking music serious. I can still feel her tough love from here. I like to think she's helping God clear the debris from my path to allow me to become the highest version of myself. 

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

NIKO: Rihanna is so bossy, not only is she musically complex but she makes boss moves and makes sure her bag is solidified.

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

NIKO: It's a merge of anger and passion because majority of my anger comes from a place of passion.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

NIKO: I had to take a break from school, because it was too time consuming for me. I do plan to go back in the future, but right now I figured why not work on plan A first and then go back to plan B. 

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

NIKO: The same thing that excites me most is the same thing that worries me sometimes, which is being an open book and singing about my deepest emotions. However, I'm aware that it is necessary to reach the goal I've set for myself, I choose to be that voice for the speechless. 

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

NIKO: I see myself recording and touring with many different talents and mentoring a younger musically inclined generation. I plan to be more than just an artist or vocalist, there's so much more I want to accomplish even outside of music. 

What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

NIKO: Patience IS a virtue. Nothing comes overnight and if you believe you deserve it then never allow the waiting game to deter you. Hone AND own your material. Perfect your craft while you wait because there's always work to be done. 



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Singer Najj Andrea Is Proving That Age Is Just A Number

Pittsburgh singer, Najj Andrea talks navigating her music career as a teenager, and creating music with the emotions of pain, passion, in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

Najj Andrea Music Interview
I want people to know that age doesn’t matter, people love to doubt, or treat you different than older artist just because you’re a little younger. If you love what you do, then do it, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Pittsburgh singer, Najj Andrea! Najj is only 17 years old but has the voice of someone who’s been doing this for a long time! Najj’s real name is "Najjah" which means "success" in Arabic. Age ain’t nothing but a number and Najj Andrea is proving that her talent deserves to be heard! Najj has a catalogue of music that is second to none as just about every song is fire! She’s brings a soulful vibe to her music that you can hear on every track.

I've always had it hard when it came to knowing myself or having "self-confidence". It's hard when you know you're different than everybody else but you feel like you have to fit in with the crowd. Music became an outlet and a way for me to say how I feel without actually saying it. I make music for people who wish they were able to state their feelings but can't.

Najj Andrea - What U Want

We talked with Najj Andrea in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Najj Andrea: I have been making and writing my own music for 2 years now. I started singing in the church when I was 5 years old. It started off as something I loved to do for fun and then eventually people actually started to pay attention so I decided to take it seriously.  

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Najj Andrea: My biggest influences have been H.E.R, Summer Walker, Lucky Daye, & Snoh Aalegra. All of their music is somewhat different in a way but somehow still the same genre and very smooth. 

Najj Andrea

QUESTION: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Najj Andrea: I would love to collaborate with H.E.R., Brent Faiyaz, Bj the Chicago Kid, and Kehlani. I want to collaborate with them because all of their music inspires and pushes me to make more and better music.

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Najj Andrea: I feel that my best song ever released probably would be my song called "What U Want". I say this because I was going through a crazy time with an ex of mine and while making this song, I was just so angry and confused and I just poured out my feelings and stated everything I wanted to say to him but couldn't say it directly. 

Najj Andrea - Toxic (feat. Treble NLS)

QUESTION: What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Najj Andrea: I'm actually working on a project now and it's about the 10 Stages of love. Each song will be titled and will be about a certain stage you go through during a relationship. During relationships sometimes we tend to either skip steps or spend to much time on a specific step which derails or complicates the relationship and makes up give up.  

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Najj Andrea: It honestly depends, sometimes I'll simply go off of how I feel, how I've seen others feel, or what I think feelings are. I usually listen to a beat, come up with a melody and then put words to it later.  

Najj Andrea Music Interview

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Najj Andrea: What motivates me is the fact that how hard I go now will pay off later on when I'm fully invested in my career, when I am even bigger and I get the recognition I deserve. 

QUESTION: How would you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Najj Andrea: I would describe my music as the things people wish they had the guts to say. What separates me from other artists is the fact that I'm young and not afraid to say how and what I feel in my music. 

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Najj Andrea: Timing, Demand, Image, Experience, Work Ethic, & Talent. 

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Najj Andrea: Honestly myself, I inspire myself to go harder everyday. I've seen what I'm already capable of and it makes me push myself.  

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Najj Andrea: Pain, Passion, and Pleasure. Even though I can switch it up my music is mostly about love and usually about the bad parts of it and I think that's because that's all I've seen rather it was me, my friends, or through my family. 

Najj Andrea Music Interview

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Najj Andrea: I've had to turn down certain things because of my age, and because I'm still in school. I've also had to sacrifice nights of sleep because I had to stay up and finish features, or songs that had to be done. 

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Najj Andrea: Finding different melodies excites me the most, I love making and trying out new melodies because they're so many. Actually writing the words takes time and constant focus and sometimes discourages me. 

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Najj Andrea: I see myself on tour for maybe the 3rd time, managing other artists, and living a happy and fulfilling my dream.  

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Najj Andrea: It's going to be a bumpy road, you're going to lose people along the way and sometimes you're going to want to give up but if you work hard until you get what or where you want, you're going to be so happy with the results. 

QUESTION: Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Najj Andrea: I would like people to know that all of the music I have I wrote and came up with the ideas myself. People love to discredit me and assume that somebody else wrote my music, but I take my time and make sure that I put out good quality music. Also, I want people to know that age doesn't matter, people love to doubt, or treat you different than older artist just because you're a little younger. If you love what you do, then do it, and don't let anybody tell you any different.



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Singer B.K. Habermehl Talks The Release of Her Debut Single "Owe Me That"

Los Angeles singer, B.K. Habermehl talks the release of her debut single "Owe Me That", recording her debut EP, and setting her sights on the Grammys in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

B.K. Habermehl
I write everything from the heart, and truly hope people can commune with me through audio. Also.. stream and download my new single, “Owe Me That”!!

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Los Angeles singer, B.K. Habermehl! B.K. Habermehl is also a singer, songwriter, pianist, producer and actress so you cant just put her talents into a box. She credits her music style to influences such as Erykah Badu and Astrud Gilberto, and of course her own self. She received first acting gig at 8 years old, when she was a member of Madison, Wisconsin’s Young Shakespeare Players. This was just the beginning of her involvement in a wide variety of choirs, plays, and musicals, culminating in her admission to New York University.

At NYU, B.K. created her own major studying music and Africana studies, and named it “The Self Sufficient Recording Artist and the African Diaspora.” After graduation she moved back to her home base of L.A., and began taking classes with Faline England at Diana Castle’s Imagined Life Acting Studio, as well as working with Grammy nominated talents such as Akon. She currently is recording her debut EP and performs her original music throughout the Los Angeles metropolitan area.

B.K. Habermehl - Owe Me That

We talked with B.K. Habermehl in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

B.K. Habermehl: I have been singing since I popped out the womb, but I first started writing my own original songs when I was 11 or 12. My mom had an old keyboard that was gathering dust in the garage, so I asked one day if I could relocate it to my room! I covered it in Harry Potter stickers and started playing chords by ear and finding melodies to sing on top of them. Been writing tunes ever since!

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

B.K. Habermehl: Vocally, Toni Braxton and Erykah Badu are huge influences to me, because they opened my mind to exploring various timbres and ranges in my voice. I'd say my favorite musician is definitely Cory Henry, he is absolutely sickening on keys.

B.K. Habermehl

QUESTION: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

B.K. Habermehl: Missy Elliott would be a dream to collaborate with, because she is just such a creative powerhouse. Also, Erykah, because she is MUVA.

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

B.K. Habermehl: I'm really excited about my debut single, "Owe Me That"! It's a love letter I wrote to myself to help me stop seeking my worth externally. Sonically I think it bops, and lyrically I think everyone could relate to it. You can find it on all platforms!

QUESTION: What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

B.K. Habermehl: I have some singles in the pipeline over the next couple months, as well as a project coming out in the next year!

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music?

B.K. Habermehl: All sorts of things can spark my ideas for music. Sometimes I might hear a particularly poetic phrase.. just yesterday I read the phrase "liquid alarm" in Richard Wright's Black Boy that immediately inspired me. Other times it will be situational or emotional, fools making me giddy, fools letting me down, or me being a fool and putting my own self through it.

B.K. Habermehl

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

B.K. Habermehl: I'm most motivated by what I feel is the power of my potential. I don't want to let myself down. There are different ways to gauge success, but I mostly would define it by having a positive impact with my art and the influence to be able to push the cultural needle. And also I'd like some shmonies.. ain't gotta be Jay-Z but I would definitely feel successful if I was able to be financially self-sufficient purely through my art.

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

B.K. Habermehl: I usually say that my music is jazzy pop with a touch of soul, and what separates me is that I am one of one! I am an emotive and unique being.. the pastel pianist princess. But I don't mind comparisons or similarities with my contemporaries, combined we can all make an awesome sonic tapestry.

B.K. Habermehl - "Take Your Leave" LIVE

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

B.K. Habermehl: The biggest variable in the success formula is perseverance. I think that feeling like a failure and getting to the brink of giving up is almost required. I can't think of any artist who hasn't felt that struggle at some point. The stardom comes in how you push through it.

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

B.K. Habermehl: My mom, Dr. Deirdre Habermehl. She has always gone above and beyond for me and I absolutely cannot wait to repay her in every way I can possibly conceive. She's already pre-ordered a fancy whip, so I gotta get my hustle on!

QUESTION: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

B.K. Habermehl: I think that influence and success don't always go hand in hand, depending on your definition of success. Some of the artists who have set the creative template for music today don't always enjoy the monetary rewards that more commercial artists get. But if I had to pick one artist that covers both, I would say Drake. He's got every rapper singing, and anything he drops is guaranteed to blow.

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

B.K. Habermehl: This is hard to pinpoint, but I feel like the visualization of the emotions my music has right now is the sunshine after the rain. Acknowledging and giving space for my pain, and then peeking out beyond the clouds. Joy can feel fleeting sometimes, but sadness is just as temporary too. I'm just trying to navigate and express my journey through both. But I'm a Cancer too.. so you know I be crying.

B.K. Habermehl

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

B.K. Habermehl: Monetarily, I'm definitely not as balling as I could have been had I went to law school or something similar after college. But it's not really a sacrifice to me, because I know this is what I'm meant to be doing.

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

B.K. Habermehl: I get absolutely geek hype when I write a melody that I just KNOW is hitting. The tunes themselves are thrilling, but the polishing and promotion process can definitely be tedious at times.

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

B.K. Habermehl: As the illustrious Raven Symone once said in her titular role on "That's So Raven"... Imma be grabbin' Grammys!!

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

B.K. Habermehl: Whew chile. First of all, brace yourself. Don't fall head over heels for every opportunity that comes your way. But at the same time, do everything you can to believe fully in yourself and your path. Also don't burn any bridges!! The industry is a lot smaller than it looks



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Exclusive | Lamar Jay Talks Using His Music as Pain Music and Being Motivated by His Fans

West coast singer, Lamar Jay, talks using his music as pain medicine to help as many people as possible and being motivated by his fans in exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
Lamar Jay Exclusive Music Interview
I just want whoever listens to my music to take something from it. I’m far from perfect, and we all can learn from each other. I need you and you need me. Much love!

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is West Coast singer, Lamar Jay! Lamar Jay has been making for a while with some of his most popular songs being “Bad Habits”, “The Masses”, and “Joy”. This artist is extremely talented and has a vibe that just about anyone can get into. His mixtape releases of A Better Tomorrow and Heaven Only Knows are full of vibes all the way through that are perfect for those long car rides. Cali is full of under the radar talent and Lamar Jay is no exception!

We talked with Lamar Jay in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

Lamar Jay - Why Lie (Official Video)

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Lamar Jay: I’ve been creating music ever since I learned to put stories together, I don’t recall how old I was at that time. I got started because of my family. My mother and her sisters were in a gospel group and just hearing them harmonize and come together to trigger this feeling inside of me that made me want to sing too. So I began to ask everyone that I knew do they know anyone who can help me get to a studio.

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Lamar Jay: My biggest influence, musically, is my mom and her sisters’ gospel group. I have too many favorite musicians, but if I have to name a few, I would say Earth Wind and Fire, Musiq, U2, and Anita Baker. 

QUESTION: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Lamar Jay: I would love to work with Musiq Soulchild and Pharrell. Musiq’s records are so powerful. His music opened up the genre for artists like me. Pharrell is a musical genius.

Lamar Jay Artist Of The Week

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Lamar Jay: That’s not a fair question. I have a few favorite songs and projects. They’re all my favorites for different reasons. Lol I’m a music head. 

QUESTION: What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Lamar Jay: I’m working on an EP right now. I don’t have a title yet but just know it’s going to be heartfelt. I’m going to be vulnerable and open and discuss a few topics that are sensitive to the Black community and to me, as a Black man. Also, I plan to start touring soon and spending time with my family.

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Lamar Jay: I usually sit down and write down my ideas anytime something pops in my head. I also take from my life experiences, things I see, and issues, whether good or bad. 

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Lamar Jay: I’m motivated by my fans, knowing someone can hear one of my records and respond with such joy and happiness makes my day. A fan literally had her parents write out my lyrics and got it tatted on her ankle that read, “Grow with Joy”. That’s how I define success, to know my music touched someone. 

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

Lamar Jay: I describe my music as pain medicine. I’ve found my musical purpose and that is to help others as much as I can. That is my job. What separates me from other artists is, I’m just me and that’s all I can be.

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Lamar Jay: Yes. Don’t give up. 

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Lamar Jay: My greatest inspiration is my family and my fans. Without them I would have quit long time ago.

Lamar Jay Music Interview

QUESTION: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Lamar Jay: There are so many influential and successful artists in my genre of today I can’t just pick one. Not fair lol

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Lamar Jay: Passion, Joy, and Sadness. Mix all three, you’ll get Lamar Jay. Why? We’re all human and go through many emotions, which dominates my music.

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Lamar Jay: Relationships, health, sleep, list goes on. I’ve been at this for so long, sometimes I surprise myself how I keep fighting, all to make my dream a reality.

Lamar Jay - Joy (Official Video)

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Lamar Jay: Picking the production and the final product excites me most. What discourages me the most, is the mixing process, videos, and all the promo you have to line up before releasing new material. 

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Lamar Jay: In the next 10 years, I see myself touring, and writing for other artists. I will be the founder and CEO of my own writing team, and help other artists, especially singers, get their shine.

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Lamar Jay: Keep a prayer in your heart and don’t look down, look up. If you give up in your mind, you already lost.



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Interviews 2 Omar Cook Interviews 2 Omar Cook

Exclusive | TJ Upshaw Talks His New EP 'One 4 Her' and Giving Back to Detroit

Detroit singer, TJ Upshaw, discusses the released of his new EP One 4 Her'and putting on for his city with music that people can vibe and relate to in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
TJ Upshaw Exclusive Interview

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Detroit’s very own TJ Upshaw! TJ is an R&B artist and songwriter who is bringing back the true sound and soul of R&B music. He recently dropped his new single “ONE 4 HER”, where his vocals capture the audience’s attention with a genuine feeling of passion and emotion. TJ developed his gifted talent for music growing up singing in multiple choirs and male quartet groups. He has recorded two mixtapes and just recently released his sophomore EP, "One 4 Her". This rising singer has had the opportunity to perform at many live venues between Detroit and LA at universities and clubs, opening for mainstream artists such as Wiz Khalifa, Big Sean, Eric Bellinger, Sammie, Dwele and J Drew Sheard and Day26. This an artist that you should definitely add to your playlist if you like real R&B, don’t sleep!

TJ Upshaw - Options (Music Video)

We talked with TJ Upshaw in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

TJ Upshaw: I’ve been making music since 05/06... I was in my senior year of high school and it all started by just doing hooks for rappers that went to school with me.

QUESTION: musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

TJ Upshaw: I don’t know if I can say who had the biggest influence because I studied so many R&B greats. From Motown, 80ʼs & 90ʼs R&B, to a lot of artists from my generation. If I had to pick though, it’ll have to be Tank. Bro a hell of a artist, performer, singer and songwriter! At the end of the day that’s what I’m working towards.

QUESTION: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

TJ Upshaw: I would love to work with Chris Brown, Usher, Trey Songz, Sammie, Tank, Eric Bellinger... just to name a few dope R&B dudes!

TJ Upshaw Music Artist

QUESTION: what do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

TJ Upshaw: I think my best project is One 4 Her II - it’s all me. Its flavors to it. All kinds of vibes. It really shows my range as an artist and songwriter.

QUESTION: What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

TJ Upshaw: I will Be releasing my first album 3rd quarter of 2019.

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music?

TJ Upshaw: Most of my music is just life situations. Lifeʼs feelings. I have ppl that come to me for advice at times... itʼs just so much that gives me inspiration musically. I really just try to make music that people can relate and vibe to.

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

TJ Upshaw: Success in my eyes is defined as happiness. If youʼve reached that level of where youʼre completely happy, then congrats. Youʼve made it! My motivation is my family. Being their provider and seeing them smile is all the motivation I need to keep going.

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

TJ Upshaw: I call it #theVIBEofRnB - itʼs a feel. It creates a memory. Therefore whenever you hear it for the rest of your life itʼll create a vibe. Iʼm not too much worried about other artists in my genre. Iʼm in my own lane.

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

TJ Upshaw: Naw no formula. What God has written is written. Just gotta put in yo work.

TJ Upshaw Music Interview

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

TJ Upshaw: One of my inspirations is Big Sean. Coming from where Iʼm from and becoming one of the biggest artist in the world says a lot within itself. Not to mention all he gives back to the city. Thatʼs what itʼs about. Sharing your gift.

QUESTION: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

TJ Upshaw: I would have to say Chris Brown. Heʼs the modern day MJ! Fasho Fasho!

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

TJ Upshaw: Passion. I write and record with passion so thatʼs what you hear over the track.

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

TJ Upshaw: when dream-chasing you gotta isolate yourself from everybody, sometimes including yourself. Just to really map out how we goin make this thing pop. Once you figure that out you start to build your circle of individuals thatʼs on the same thing you on. So i sacrificed a lot of friendships to pursue this. We still good.. just not to the same extent as before. Iʼm on a mission!

TJ Upshaw - One 4 Her Mixtape

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most?

TJ Upshaw: I think the process of creating melodies & writing is lit. Thereʼs sooooo many different ways to say things and get your point across.

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

TJ Upshaw: in 10 years? A couple Grammys.. multi-platinum albums. Those are just a few goals.

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

TJ Upshaw: In a world full of fugazziness, BE YOU! Every dream can become reality. You just gotta take the initiative to make it happen.



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Exclusive | Narde Talks Making Music For The Smokers And Inspiring Her Future Self

DMV singer, Narde, talks making music for the smokers, being an empath, and inspiring her future self in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
Narde Exclusive Interview
I want people to know I make music because I genuinely love it and it brings me the most divine happiness. I won’t ever stop making music, for that reason alone.
— Narde

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is a singer from the DMV, Narde! Narde hails from Richmond, Virginia and was raised by her mother and music, which took the place of her father. While attending college at VCU, she began making music that she felt wasn’t like anything she heard before, and started to take it more seriously once people began listening and showing interest. After graduation, she left everything she knew and traveled out to Los Angeles to pursue her music career. Narde has a sound unlike any other artist out, authentic to her own style. “I describe my music to others as smokers music, very groovy and thoughtful. Nothing to twerk to. Just something you can vibe too, it’s calming, hypnotizing.”

Narde - Lover's Dream (Music Video)

We talked with Narde in an exclusive interview, check it out below!


Narde: I have been making music since I was about 17. All my friends made music and I wasn’t any different. It would be a bunch of us in a room just creating, making music, writing, shooting videos, that was what we did for fun. I didn’t start taking myself seriously as an artist until 2 years ago.


Narde: I would say my biggest musical influence is Outkast, I love anything that is just downright different and goes against the mainstream. I am naturally inspired by helping others, I am a giver and I want my music to reflect in a positive helpful way. Helping me along the way, I have some friends who are in the same boat I am, making music and hoping the world loves it. Seeing them not quit is a huge motivation for me. Narde’s music includes an R&B and indie vibe mixed with a futuristic sound.


Narde: In the future, I would love to collaborate with Sango, Little Dragon, The Internet.

Narde Exclusive Music Interview


Narde: It’s interesting, what I think is my best song isn’t always peoples’ favorite. The fan favorite right now is “Lover’s Dream”. Which is the first song I wrote taking music seriously. It resonates in a positive way with love and growth. My favorite however, is “Black Diamonds” or “Higher” which have a bit more somber moods.


Narde: In the near future, you can expect some very eclectic yet futuristic sounds that I am very proud of. I wouldn’t make music if it didn’t offer a different sound. So, you’re going to be getting a splash of newness real soon.

Narde - Somebody To Wait For (Music Video)


Narde: Most of my ideas from music come from experience, either from myself or others. I am an empath, so it is very easy for me to put myself in other people’s shoes and try to understand what they are feeling. That’s my favorite place to make music from, the perspective of others.


Narde: I am motivated by the art of it all. Fame scares me, it isn’t natural. I’m not necessarily trying to be noticed, I just want to offer the world a new perspective and some good music. Success for me comes when I know a person has been affected by my music in a way that gets them through there day or out of a bad mood or through heartbreak or even helps them fall more in love.

Narde Exclusive Music Interview


Narde: I describe my music to others as smokers music, very groovy and thoughtful. Nothing to twerk to. Just something you can vibe too, it’s calming, hypnotizing. I always do what I want with my art, it’s also pretty deep at times, I try to stay away from trends and that’s possibly what sets me apart.


Narde: The formula for being a successful artist should always be do what you love and do it well. The world will catch on.

Narde - Black Diamonds (Music Video)

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Narde: My biggest inspiration is my future self. I want her to look back and have no regrets.


Narde: There is no one out here doing what I’m doing exactly. I haven’t placed myself into a genre so it’s hard to say, who is leading.

Narde Exclusive Music Interview


Narde: Passion drives my music, next is love, then hardship and injustice. I want my music to matter. I want it to be a product of the times and I would love for it to make people think. A lot of music today lacks thoughtfulness. I get that music is an escape, but it has the power to change everything.

Question: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Narde: I have made many sacrifices to pursue music. I left everything I knew in my life back on the east to get the tools I needed to do what I love. Sleeping on couches, in cars, homes with no A/C for months at a time. The hardest thing though, is being away from my family but technology has of course helped with that.


Narde: I love the writing process of music, I love hearing a beat and it takes over my entire essence. It’s like time traveling to a place or time and then from there I let that space become me and I just write what I feel. Sharing the music can be discouraging because the vulnerability but that’s also the beauty in it.


Narde: In 10 years, I see myself having done several tours and hopefully at least 4 more albums. But overall, I see myself as a happy being, spreading love.


Narde: I would advise anyone coming into the music industry to realize, if music is not something you love to the core, then it might not be worth it to you. It takes A LOT of work, dedication and consistency. Make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons and make sure it always remains a labor of love.



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Exclusive | Singer Destiny Cashma is Giving a Voice to the Loners

Singer Destiny Cashma talks the release of her projects I Had To and Incognito and giving a voice to the loners in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
It’s way bigger than music, thank you for your love!
— Cashma

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is rising singer, CASHMA! Destiny Cashma has had some instant success dropping two EP’s in just less than a year called “Incognito” which was her first project that debuted top 10 on the charts and her sophomore project “I Had To” which debuted Top 8. CASHMA is a dope vocalist from Georgia who calls herself “the happy loner”. Some of her hottest tracks include “Lonesome Sh*t” to fan favorites “I Don’t Wanna” and “Company”! CASHMA believes her work is bigger than just music and that she stands for the “weirdos”, the loners and the ones without a voice. She is currently working closely with producer Mike Kalombo and Kalombo Records CASHMA says she just enjoys the journey of it all and being a natural creator. If you don’t already have this artist in your playlist, this is one you need to have. CASHMA is a talented new artist that is unique in her style and delivery and has a tracklist that is full of good vibes.

We talked with CASHMA in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

Question: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

CASHMA: I’ve been making music for as long as I’ve been around. Maybe not for the world to hear but the four walls of my bedrooms have heard thousands of songs over the years.

Question: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

CASHMA: This is easy. Mike Kalombo. I get the honor to create beside this guy constantly and it’s my biggest inspiration. You know, good vibes .

Destiny Cashma

Question: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

CASHMA: As of now I like to keep it in the family. Taylor Jasmine, Shamba, Cam Sweene. All dope artists I get to call my label mates. We just do what we want and have fun with it.

Question: What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

CASHMA: I don’t think there will ever be a best. Each song is a mood. Each project is a moment. None more important than the other .

Cashma - Do Something (Official Video)

Question: What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

CASHMA: So many new things. I’m constantly creating worlds in my head. I’m just blessed to share it .

Question: How do you generate new ideas for your music?

CASHMA: Living and paying attention to the simple things. It comes naturally after that.

Destiny Cashma Music Interview

Question: What motivates you and how do you define success?

CASHMA: Me. Success is life. A good one. One that is mine. The minute I trade me in for anything is the minute I’m not successful.

Question: How do you describe your music to people?

CASHMA: A world inside my head.

CASHMA - Nothing (Official Video)

Question: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

CASHMA: You are the formula.

Question: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why? 

CASHMA: I leave that up to the people to decide. I just create my art.

Destiny Cashma Music Interview

Question: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

CASHMA: Aloneness , a celebration of it. I grew up thinking I was weird for always being a loner. Now it’s a brand. Something I indulge in.

Question: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

CASHMA: I have a love for creation so the moment a song is nonexistent and then is brought to life excites me. The performance part discourages me sometimes. But I’m working on it .

Cashma - I Don't Wanna (Official Video)

Question: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

CASHMA: I don’t like those questions. I rather talk about now. This moment is so important.

Question: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

CASHMA: Create art you’re proud of. Create your own world. It’s only fun if you’re enjoying the moment. The build is way better than any “top spot”.

Destiny Cashma Music Interview



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Interviews 1 Omar Cook Interviews 1 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Singer Jhamasa Talks Being an Advocate for Foster Youth and Music Influences

West Coast R&B singer Jhamasa, talks being an advocate for foster youth and some of her top musical influences in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
Jhamasa Music Interview

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is west coast R&B singer Jhamasa! Jhamasa Noel Lewis-Adams is originally from Orange, California but moved around as a youth, and spent most of her childhood in Los Angeles, California. She has a biological and adopted family, mentors, and friends who have become family. Jhamasa was a student of Black Eyed Pea's and Peace4Kids Peapod Music and Arts academy located at the Boys and Girls Club in Watts, CA. She graduated from Jackson State University in 2013, receiving her B.A. in Entrepreneurship with a minor in photography and mandarin. During college she also studied abroad and explored new art mediums.

She eventually moved back to California with a goal of financial and personal independence. She earned a certificate in fashion design at LA Trade Tech while building a career in the non-profit industry. During the past five years, Jhamasa has put focus into the community in health and nutrition, financial literacy, progressive education, and professional development post college.  

In 2014 she released a mixtape Retro Love Arcade with Corinthian Washington and in 2016, she put out an independent EP, titled 24K. On this project she talks about her experience in the foster care system. In April of 2018, Jhamasa hosted an independent art show focusing on sexual trauma foster youth face through art therapy. In addition, she released a single off of her debut project 11:11. In her free time she volunteers and advocates for educational and civil rights for foster youth.

This singer brings a soulful vibe to her music and is definitely someone you want to add to your playlist! Jhamasa has an authentic sound that makes you feel good about the future of R&B.

We talked with Jhamasa in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

Jhamasa - “ESF (Every Single Flaw) Official Music Video

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Jhamasa: I have been making music since 16. I was first inspired at 6.

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Jhamasa: My biggest influences have been projects that are painfully authentic. To list a few: Lauryn Hill MTV Unplugged, Alicia Keys As I Am, Ambre Perkins Wanderlust, Gucci Mane Chicken Talk, Erykah Badu Baduizm, Bjork Human Behaviour, Sade Love Deluxe.

QUESTION: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Jhamasa: I think the people I’m aligned to collaborate with aren’t known artists. I don’t even think I have met them yet or are aware of their physical presence.

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Jhamasa: The one I’m working on currently. Nothing is better than the present.

QUESTION: What projects can we look forward to in the near future?

Jhamasa: Neon Soul produced by Aqeel The Nubian

Jhamasa - Beautiful Day (Official Music Video)

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music?

Jhamasa: I generate new ideas by continuously moving forward in my personal life. Creativity is directly associated with ability to leave your comfort zone.

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Jhamasa: Life motivates me. The idea that we get to try again every day is inspiring. I define success by what you have to do to reach a goal and how one chooses to do so.

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people?

Jhamasa: Spiritual, and raw.

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Jhamasa: You have to be yourself. That is the job.

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Jhamasa: My ancestors.


QUESTION: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Jhamasa: Chance The Rapper, because he is socially conscious and a forward thinker through his personal life and career.

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc., and why?

Jhamasa: Love, because it always wins and is the source for all that I do.

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Jhamasa: I’ve made many financial sacrifices as well as personal sacrifices to live my truth.

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Jhamasa: What excites me most about making music is collaborating and relating emotionally to others. The most discouraging part is perfecting the recording process and trusting that it will come out as intended.

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Jhamasa: In 10 years I see myself more independently built, perhaps with my own record label and a consistent workload that relates to the creation of music. I also want to start producing my own sound.

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Jhamasa: Become self sufficient. Don’t be afraid to get burned. Creativity is not masculine, you can’t force it, its feminine, you have to endure, you have to let it flow.

QUESTION: Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Jhamasa: I am an advocate for foster youth, and if God willing I make it, I hope to help others reach their potential in music as well.



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Interviews 1 Omar Cook Interviews 1 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Lylo Gold Talks the Release of Her Debut Album 'Heartbreak & Wray'

London R&B singer, Lylo Gold talks the release of her debut album, Heartbreak & Wray! We talked with Lylo Gold in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is London based R&B songstress Lylo Gold! Lylo Gold recently released her debut album entitled ‘Heartache & Wray’, following a turbulent relationship which featured an array of melodic sounds that introduces you into her own world.  This artist is building an impressive resume with over 250,000 accrued plays on Spotify and has also been featured on The Fader, The MOBO's Ones to Watch and The AfroPunk Playlist, making her an artist to watch throughout the UK and beyond.  

Lylo Gold began singing at a young age of 11, and now at 25 years old, she has gone on to compose, write and co-produce an array of songs alongside a variety of artists. She is mostly known for some iconic releases including Starry Night & Over U, which were produced by frequent collaborator XVR BLCK. The UK has a number of talented artists, and Lylo Gold is another proven talent coming out of London. This artist has a voice that needs to be heard and don’t be surprised if you start hearing her name more in the near future!

We talked with Lylo Gold in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started? 

A: I’ve been making music forever! I started writing poems and lyrics when I was around 7 and I started singing on stage at 11. I’ve always made music... I just lacked the confidence to front my own music. Until... (drum roll) NOW!! 

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Lylo Gold: My biggest influence is Mariah Carey. I love her! Her voice is like water! It’s so incredible. I love male singers usually so I’m shocked really but I love so many artists! From Donell Jones, Usher, The Whispers, Earth Wind and Fire, Jasmine Sullivan, Whitney, Nai Palm, Amy Winehouse, Lauryn Hill, Erykah, Xavier Omar!!! Boys II Men... I just love a beautiful vocal!  

Lylo Gold

Lylo Gold

Photo by: Gillian Murray

QUESTION: What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

Lylo Gold: I really want to work with Anderson Paak - he has this freedom in his music and a personality with it that I think evokes ideas in me from listening... to imagine a session. With his creativity and mine.... ooh... I get really excited! I feel this way about Q Tip, Pharrell, Beyonce... the list is extensive!  

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song/project ever released and why?

Lylo Gold: Heartache and Wray... I actually love the project now - which is weird because we have a weird relationship. I loved the fact that I got expressive and experimental and allowed my vocals to really shine on this project... I’m not like one of those people who just care about my voice... I love the whole dynamic of a song, which I feel was expressed on this project. 

QUESTION: What projects can we look forward to in the near future? 

Lylo Gold: Amazing music, stunning videos and a reality tv show.... honestly!

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music?

Lylo Gold: Music comes to me, I don’t look for it. Songs are already there... it’s just not everyone can hear them. I think I just channel what’s already there. Its the magic... it’s like you hear a language that no one else can hear - like Parsel tongue in Harry Potter - it’s wizardry! 

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Lylo Gold: Life is my motivation. Life is all about balance, progression, growth and love. I try to treat the world how I want to be treated. I try to be as loving as I can... I believe that we are all connected and all contribute to the state of the world. That makes me responsible. It means I know my place in the world and what I need to contribute to the world.

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people?

Lylo Gold: I literally say. “You tell me”. My music to me sounds like different things dependent on my mood and where I am at emotionally when I listen. 

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Lylo Gold: Yes, by committing yourself to your craft, respecting and believing in your craft. I think people have to invest in their talents... they have to see the value in it before anyone else does.  

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Lylo Gold: My mum. She’s a Queen. She had two sets of twins and bossed at being a phenomenal mother!

Lylo Gold - Artist Of The Week

QUESTION: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

Lylo Gold: Beyonce…she works her arse off. There really isn’t anything more to say. Hard work pays off!

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Lylo Gold: Love. Because I am love. 

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Lylo Gold: lol.... how much space do I have? I sacrificed time with my family, time with my friends, sleep, relationships, I’ve worked jobs I’ve hated, endured people I don’t like... allowed people to do things that I dislike for the sake of peace... I’ve made so many sacrifices! Especially financially!

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Lylo Gold: Writing the songs and adding the harmonies and ad libs! I love this stuff lol I like chords so I guess the creativity. I hate recording :(

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Lylo Gold: Several awards. Several platinum plaques... I see myself happy with a family and a music school!

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry? 

Lylo Gold: Work hard. Not just on your instrument, on yourself... work on your energy, your emotions, then your craft... your understanding of music.. learn as much as you can. Learn how people operate. Learn about the legalities...Learn to protect your talent.  

QUESTION: Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Lylo Gold: I’m going to be releasing some of my best work in 2019. Follow me!!!



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Exclusive | Lauryn Harris Talks the Release of Her Debut EP 'Inside My Head'

Lauryn Harris is a rising singer out of Houston, Texas! We talked with the up and coming singer in an exclusive interview as she dropped her first EP, Inside My Head!

247 Live Culture
Lauryn Harris Music Interview

By: Omar Cook

Lauryn Harris is an up and coming singer from from Houston, Texas! At 21, she is currently attending Texas State University and getting her degree in mass communication with a minor in music. Fashion and beauty is another avenue she want to pursue in her career along with music! She just dropped her first project called Inside My Head, but don’t sleep on this artist as this is someone you will want to keep an eye out for in the future!

Check out her new Ep Inside My Head!

Lauryn Harris - “Sometimes” Song

We talked with Lauryn Harris in an exclusive interview, check it out below! 

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Lauryn Harris: Well I’ve always wanted to sing since the age of four and that dream has never left me. As for making my own music I started about exactly this time last year, I never really was much of a writer but I ended up loving it.

QUESTION: What was your inspiration for the title of this project?

Lauryn Harris: My thoughts are always so scattered and I felt that the songs on this project perfectly reflected that. I had no clear vision on where I wanted to go on this EP I just sang and wrote about what was on my mind at that time.

Lauryn Harris Inside My Head Ep

QUESTION: What do you want people to gather from listening to your music?

Lauryn Harris: I want people to get to know me and who I am as an artist. With each song I hope listeners feel the emotions I put into a song and enjoy the overall experience.

QUESTION: What do you feel is a song that people MUST listen to on this album?

Lauryn Harris: Butterflies. This song is about that feeling you get when a new person comes in your life and you just can’t contain yourself. It’s just an overall happy song and makes you wanna dance

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

Lauryn Harris: I’d say Jill Scott, Alicia Keys, Erykah Badu, and Sade. All of these women have voices that captivate you and they all tell stories in their music.

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song ever released and why?

Lauryn Harris: I’d say “Chaos” because that was the first full length song I wrote and recorded when I got started making music. I was going through a lot at the time, my grandfather had past away at the time, I was going through depression, so I grabbed a pen and wrote away.

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music?

Lauryn Harris: I just have to be inspired, and it happens at the most random times, like when I wrote “5 AM”, I was supposed to be studying for an exam.

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Lauryn Harris: I am blessed with an amazing family that has always supported my dreams. My parents have been with me through this journey between paying for vocal lessons when I was younger, never missing my recitals, and constantly lifting me up when I feel down.

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people?

Lauryn Harris: I’d say an alternative r&b mixed with neo-soul.

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Lauryn Harris: Honestly, this might sound cliché but good ole hard work.

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

Lauryn Harris: My mom, she is amazing, when she wants something she goes for it and gets it done. She inspires me do that with my music.

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Lauryn Harris: I think my music is a mix of happiness and sadness, mixed with some attitude. I feel like I have to have a good balance.

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Lauryn Harris: I don’t really think I’ve had to sacrifice anything yet, I’m a college student, I work, and I do music. Yes, it gets difficult but life is all about balance.

Lauryn Harris Exclusive Interview

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Lauryn Harris: I think writing and recording go hand in on making my music. Some days I come up with great material writing and some days my mind is completely blank. I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my singing so when I’m recording I redo something I don’t like about a million times.

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Lauryn Harris: In 10 years I’ll be 31, I hope to be established in the industry by then and hopefully have a couple grammys. I’ll still be making music and hopefully make my mark in this world.

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Lauryn Harris: I’m still trying to break into the industry and I’m still learning but if I could give advice it would be when you get discouraged trying to create sit back, take a break, and come back to it. Whatever you were struggling to find will come back to you.



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Interviews 1 Omar Cook Interviews 1 Omar Cook

Exclusive | R&B Sensation Trey Forever is Making Sure His Music Will Be Remembered Forever

This week's “Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is Midwest R&B artist Trey Forever! We talked with Trey Forever in an exclusive interview! Check it out here!

247 Live Culture
Trey Forever

By: Omar Cook

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is rising R&B artist Trey Forever! Trey Forever is an up and coming singer from the Midwest; St Louis to be exact! Trey is grinder and is always working on his music and when he's not putting his time into releasing dope music, he's just spending time hanging with his people. "Just like everyone else I just like to really be around good people, even if I don’t say much sometimes." For you R&B fans, this is a name you need to get acquainted with as this is an artist with some real talent and vocals!

Trey Forever - “Good Intentions” (Music Video)

We talked with Trey Forever in an exclusive interview, check it out below! 

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Trey Forever: I started creating music in 2016. I started, because again, I don’t really say much, and I am pretty much to myself, so music is a way for me to say things that’s on my mind and heart.

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey? Who are your favorite musicians?

Trey Forever: The Most High has really been helping me on my musical journey. You can get lost a lot of times trying to get to where you wanna be, and God has a way of sitting you down when you move to fast. Besides God, my producer BC, and bro Rell really been behind me musically.

QUESTION:  Who are your favorite musicians and who would you like to collaborate with?

Trey Forever: Artists like Usher, Trey Songz, Sammie, and Eric Bellinger are artists I really rock with.

QUESTION: What do you feel is your best song ever released and why?

Trey Forever: Honestly I haven’t took the time to really just enjoy my own music, because I am always working, and on to the next. I am very hard on myself as an artist, it’s crazy. Good question, just not sure I have one yet.

QUESTION: How do you generate new ideas for your music? 

Trey Forever: Life alone helps me generate ideas. Watching movies, and listening to other people's stories,  also helps me.

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Trey Forever: Music alone motivates me to be great, the people counting on me motivates me, and being able to take care of my family really motivates me. Being able to take care of my family, being happy, and being a help to others in need is success to me. 

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people?

Trey Forever: I feel my music is escape music. It allows people to think, meditate, and visit different places mentally to find a way to figure things out.

Trey Forever - Heartbreaks Don't Last Forever

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

Trey Forever: I hear a lot of artists, and people who been in the game for years talk about formulas, and blueprints, but I have a long way to go, so I'm not sure if I can speak on a formula just yet. I do feel like being strong mentally, physically, spiritually, along with hard work, dedication, and keeping God 1st is a good way to start.

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc., and why?

Trey Forever: All those feelings are in music, because that’s what we feel. I feel those feelings are very important, so I make sure to put those emotions in my music.

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Trey Forever: Everything. A home, stability, some family turn on you. I don’t do any complaining though. Even without a home, I make a way to create, and keep pushing.

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

Trey Forever: The creating process of music always excites me. It’s something about working on music to get it right, and perfect that is soothing for me. What discourages me, is when I can’t record whenever I want to. 

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

Trey Forever: I see myself as a artist that has made a way for himself, family, and other artists. Trey Forever stands for my music and how my music will be remembered for ever. I wanna be unforgettable.

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Trey Forever: I would say believe in yourself, consistency, make music from the heart, and never be afraid to take risk.

QUESTION: Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

Trey Forever: I make what I want when I want, and that’s it.



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Interviews 1 Omar Cook Interviews 1 Omar Cook

Exclusive | Rapper Joshua Sheeran Is Charlotte's Best Kept Secret

Joshua Sheeran is an up and coming artist out of North Carolina! We talked with this under the radar lyricist in an exclusive interview!

247 Live Culture
Joshua Sheeran

This week's "Who's Hot?" Artist of the week is east coast artist Joshua Sheeran! This under the radar artist out of Charlotte, North Carolina recently graduated from North Carolina Central University in December 2017! Since his graduation, 22 year old Sheeran has been on the grind pushing his music out. Joshua is an artist of many arts and wants his career to eventually expand beyond just music. His aim is to spread vibes and positive messages throughout his music always and he also hopes to breakthrough and show people love is cool still! Although he is currently in the process of writing and creating his first complete project, Joshua has a lot of dope tracks already out! We can expect a early 2019 release of his first project but many creative visuals and singles to get us by in the meantime! Do no sleep on this artist!

We talked with Joshua Sheeran in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

Question: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

 Joshua Sheeran: 2 years now! I actually grew up around music. Family + Friends. I didn’t take my craft as an artist seriously until 2017. I saw it was much bigger than just me once people started hitting me up saying how much my music helped them.

Question: Musically, what are your biggest influences and who are your favorite musicians?

 Joshua Sheeran: Women, conflict/resolution, love and myself are my biggest influencers. My favorite artist right now are Sonder, Bryson Tiller, Drake, Noname, and Smino. All things R&B also!

Question: What musician would you most like to collaborate with and why?

 Joshua Sheeran: At this very second it has to be Bryson Tiller. Homie has the vibes and sound. I think our sound would mesh very well.

Joshua Sheeran - “I Love It, She Love It” (Music Video)

Question: What do you feel is your best song you've ever released and why?

 Joshua Sheeran: Statistically and one of my favs, ‘I love it, She love it” definitely a vibe and has over 20,000 streams alone. I have some tracks like ‘Niyah’s Interlude’ and ‘Loving me ain't too perfect’ that really resonate with my soul. Just the content and emotional feel.

Question: What motivates you and how do you define success?

 Joshua Sheeran: I got motivated from traveling. I went to DC and was like “damn, I’ve been missing out on the world.. I want to get out and do this more.” And music has always been a passion/past time. So why not combine the both and do what I love. Success, to me is changing lives of the people around you and yourself. Digging deeper than financial and helping people on a spiritual and mental level.

Joshua Sheeran Music Interview

Question: How do you generate new ideas?

 Joshua Sheeran: Funny! When I’m out the loop…. I go to Twitter for content. I sometimes rap vicariously through the lives of others.

Question: How do you describe your music to people?

 Joshua Sheeran: Different -- Calm, thought/emotion provoking. The type of music you take home to mom.

Question: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

 Joshua Sheeran: I don’t. You never know these days what will and won’t blow honestly. There are right steps to take but formula, no. I do believe we are in the visual era.

Question: Who is your greatest inspiration?

 Joshua Sheeran: Definitely has to be myself honestly. I’ve been through so much and conquered so many battles. I feel I owe it to myself to continue chasing music and doing what I love.

Question: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

 Joshua Sheeran: Drake, he literally has been carrying the torch for awhile now! Definitely has helped so many artist form their careers and breakthrough to the mainstream world. Shoes, NBA, OVO Brand, OVO label, and Apple Music deal to name a few. The guy is really great.

Joshua Sheeran - “fruits // sweet dream” (Music Video)

Question: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

 Joshua Sheeran: Passion -- to love, to feel happy, to overcome sadness/hurt and to be better. You can blend so many styles into passion.

Question: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

 Joshua Sheeran: Time, money, friendships and occasionally love.

Question: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

 Joshua Sheeran: The ability to connect with people and getting the chance to see the world one day! It gets kinda disappointing some of the wild things that blow up but no knock to them. They connected with the people. Even in a unconventional manner.

Joshua Sheeran - “whatssssluvvvv” (Music Video)

Question: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

 Joshua Sheeran: Living comfortable and happy! At peace with my wife and helping others breakthrough!

Question: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

 Joshua Sheeran: Remain, you. Most importantly stay genuine at heart and lead people right.

Question: Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?




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Interviews 1 Omar Cook Interviews 1 Omar Cook

Exclusive | JB Magix is Set to Release His Debut Mixtape 'Pleasure Island'

JB Magix is set to release his debut Mixtape Pleasure Island. We spoke with this up and coming artist and producer from Cali in an exclusive interview!

247 Live Culture
JB Magix - Exclusive Interview

JB Magix, which is short for Jamaal Bethea, is an up and coming artist and executive producer based in Fresno, originally from Long Beach, California. JB signed his first record deal at the age of 24 with the The Private Plane, a subsidiary Creative Talent Agency to G.O.O.D Music ran by Kanye West's right hand man, 6 time Grammy Award Winner Malik Yusef! 

In 2011 JB received his first real music industry recognition from the release of a remix called "She Craves Me" which hit Top 10 on the charts for 30days and held a top 40 position for 3 consecutive months via MTV's Partnered Website  when he was formerly known as the artist The Kid Bilal. The remix heavily assisted the original song to reaching 30 million views on Youtube. With the help of producer Malik Yusef, JB Magix was propelled into an elite network of talented creatives in the music industry. 

JB Magix is set to release his first Mixtape titled "Pleasure Island'' on August 18 with merch accompanied. He also has a near future release which is set for December 12, which is his first commerical EP release titled "Romantic Anarchy." Reminiscent to J. Cole's KOD both records challenge the status quo of the music industry's perpetuation of drugs and violence.The EP is slated to have features from Malik Yusef, Mann, Kevin McCall Jr., Fashawn, Kanye West & Panic At The Disco. 

JB Magix featuring Kevin McCall - Miracles

Check out his single Miracles with Kevin McCall below!

We talked with JB Magix in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

JB Magix: I’ve been making music since the age of 9. Back in the day a person could put tissues in cassette tapes and do what was known as “dub” over the tape your own music. I started recording my own mixtapes from radio, and attempted to put my poetry over music, which didn’t initially come out as good as I would have liked lol But it gave me the motivation to know that I was getting somewhere with my art.

QUESTION: Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey?

JB Magix: I’d have to say Malik Yusef Jones.. I was in a very dark place before he discovered me on twitter and offered me a record deal... It was right on the cusp of me developing issues with my hearing which also started discouraging me.. To have someone that has been successful in working with artists like Drake, Kanye West, Ty Dolla $ and more as a frequent collaborator gave me the inspiration to keep pursuing a career in music.

QUESTION: How does having Malik Yusef as a mentor and working with him help with your creativity?

JB Magix: I’ve had the opportunity to work on some Kanye West albums under his direction, network with elite music industry professionals and perform at some of his official Grammy after Parties. That for me was confirmation that I had made it out of my Mom’s house lol But also that I have the potential to add value to something larger than myself.. and from there I never second guessed if there was a limit in the sky.

QUESTION: Why did you choose the name Pleasure Island for your first EP release?

JB Magix: I got the idea from Pinocchio.. A gang of kids, some good and some misguided were tricked into going to Pleasure Island.. A place where good kids are transformed into delinquents, ultimately to come back out into the world and wreak havoc. The concept resonated with me so much that I considered how our very own society is like this island matrix that sucks people into bad situations with influences based on the false senses of pleasure. The narrative I am creating with the mixtape is about a character named Lil Nochio who is out and about in society trying to stay righteous in a world full of choices.. He gets influenced negatively but what he learns eventually assists in his personal reform.. If society will give him a chance that is..

QUESTION: What are you looking to accomplish with the release of your first mixtape and what can we expect as far as features?

JB Magix: I Plan to open people’s minds to something different. It will be controversial.. but it will be different. Everything isn’t always what it seems.. there aren’t many artist in the mainstream telling the truth.. to be completely transparent most of them tell half-truths and say to people things like “well I didn’t say that all women are hoes” without regard to the consequences of their lyrics.. a lot of these young girls now use “Hoe” and “Bitch” as terms of endearment.. largely due to the influence on culture rap music and media has.. Especially when your presence is ubiquitous at some point these artists and executives that have a large realm of influence have to innerstand that the parents can’t close their children’s ears all of the time.. they will find the music or the video.. they will imitate.. they will be brainwashed by the allure and propaganda used to control minds and influence culture (in more negative ways than positive). It’s important to know that there are positive influences out there but how can Lyor Cohen.. an executive at Def Jam records have no consequences when he says he doesn’t respect what he calls “Junkies” drinking “liquid heroin”  but condones and promotes the sale and promotion of music that perpetuates that behavior in our culture,( of drinking lean) because he has mouths to feed? It’s hypocritical and dangerous to say the least. When Tupac said “I will spark the brain that will change the world”.. he was talking about me.. and I will pass on that spark. As far as features I definitely will have my bros Kevin McCall & Fashawn on the record.

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

JB Magix: Success is  truly defined by the individual. I doesn’t have to do with money for sure, but rather the impact a person can make on the people in their community. Knowing that I am affecting people in a positive way is what inspires me to keep doing what I do. I met a young girl I the hood at McDonalds a few years back.. she had recordings of her music on her phone. I was blown away at her resilience to get things done, that I introduced her to Ty Dolla Signs, put her on a few shows with Berner, and I see her booking her own shows today and still making music.. who knows what her life would have been like without that mentorship.

QUESTION: How do you describe your music to people?

JB Magix: I’m coining a new genre called “God Rhythm”  it is music on a frequency that’s made to heal and inspire. More melodic, real instrumentation that’s binaural with 432hz & 528 Hz.

QUESTION: Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

JB Magix: Yes, it requires a intricately designed plan or blue print and consistent execution of actions to gain the desired result. The thing that discourages people is when things don’t go the way they planned.. what they fail to see is that the road to success has many lanes and when one door closes a whole different one opens.. but only you have the key to see whats on the other side.. but don’t forget.. some doors you don’t want to go into.

QUESTION: Who is your greatest inspiration?

JB Magix: My mother and father.. I perceived that I am half of them both literally split down the middle.. my mother is spiritual, in-tune with the universe and compassionate. My father is aggressive, commands respect and takes initiative to get the results he desires... I take after both of them evenly

QUESTION: In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

JB Magix: Hard to pen point one.. but if I had to decide I would have to say Beyonce because of how much she influences the culture.. in a positive way with the least amount of compromise involved. You doesn’t use drama in head lines to grad her audiences attention.. and from time to time she stands for something. Giving money to HBCUs is on point. She donated to my school lol Wilberforce University.

JB Magix - Music Interview

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

JB Magix: It would have to be a combination of Joy and Sadness because those are some of the realist and most relatable emotions.. its hard for me to believe that everyone gets angry because I cant even remember the last time I was.. plus I have certain beliefs and definitely being “Mad” to me is a mental illnesss.

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

JB Magix: Man… where do I begin lol I had to get straight A’s one semester to have a meeting with the Vice President of Hidden Beach Recordings, ultimately to get an internship marketing for Jill Scott. After that I literally stood outside of Wale’s record label in DC, starting checking in models for a modeling call he was having without anyone asking me to, so they brought me into the label. Couple years back I went behind the staples center at the BET Awards in LA and started helping the staff with no credentials, no sign up, nothing and that landing me doing working for Beyonce, Future, Kendrick Lamar, Bryson Tiller, Janelle Monae, and more for the night lol

QUESTION: What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

JB Magix: What excites me is that with music I have a voice and  platform that gives me the ability to affect people’s lives in a positive way and simultaneously build a legacy for my family.. nothing discourages me but what I don’t like seeing is the exploitation of our people in music, media, the demonization of “Black People” in the media and music serves as a cornerstone for fabricated census statistics on crime, misrepresentation of  our excellence constantly and under handed congratulations at our achievements with superficial awards.. we don’t get the respect we deserve for creating advanced civilizations and art forms.. that assisted in building the ones American Society enjoys today.. They like “Black Music” but there is a lack of respect for “Black People”

QUESTION: Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

JB Magix: I see an Empire.. of new artists, young artists, a community of creatives that are respected and revered for their achievements in mainstream cultural society… all of the arts included. 

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

JB Magix: Have a plan, don’t be afraid to invest in yourself, no risk no reward, and understand what “ROI” return on investment means. Build a community, there is no I in TEAM, trust the process, get mentorship, find people that can help your weaknesses, capitalize on your strengths don’t compromise your values and morals for a check or opportunity. Innerstand that you are what you say your are.. you’re already a superstar all you have to do make sure people know.

QUESTION: Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

JB Magix: Just listen to it, follow me, ask yourself questions then ask me some..  and I will kindly get back to you at my earliest convenience lol



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