5 Tips To Elevate Your Everyday Fashion in LA
De'arra Taylor is the queen of anything eyewear. She elevates her looks by wearing different sunnies especially from her brand @lorvae
Photo Credit: @dearra on instagram
By: Jayla Smith
For women, it's hard to figure out what to wear on a daily basis. Especially in LA! In a city where there's always something to do—whether it's an event in the Hills, at one of the luxury hotels in Hollywood, or just enjoying time with friends at the beach—outfits need to stand out and make a statement. Here are 5 tips and tricks to help elevate your everyday fashion looks!
1. Basic Pieces
Every girl needs basic pieces like plain tank tops, crop tops, T-shirts, matching sweats, regular jeans, and skirts. Colors should range from neutrals to whites, browns, and black is a must!
@cocochinelo how to instantly elevate any outfit! #fyp #foryou #stylingtip #fashionhack ♬ original sound - ALL HAIL COCO CHINELO!
Video by: @cocochinelo
2. Jewelry
Now that you have your basics, add jewelry! Some people think it's a sin to mix gold and silver jewelry, but it is not. Whoever made that rule is stuck in the past. We have evolved, sis, and it's okay to mix jewelry. Add stacked pieces to your basics for a more elevated look.
@bylakeyasimone I've always been a gold girl, but I've been loving silver a lot lately! #mixingmetals #goldondarkskin #goldorsilver #blackwomenfashion #fashion #beauty ♬ original sound - By Lakeya Simone
Video by: @bylakeyasimone
Photo Credit:@krystalvega on instagram
3. Heels
Get funky with your heels! Adding unique heels to a basic outfit really adds character. It gives the illusion that you put in a lot of effort, but they just don't know you rocked that basic outfit. I know that's right! Create, create, create, and be you! That is what fashion is at the end of the day. The people who are meant to get it will!
@gabbyxchanel These kitten heels deserved to be brought out! #kittenheels #kittenheelshoes #kittenheelsoutfit #thrifted #thriftedheels #allbrownoutfit #brownoutfits #leopardprint #leopardprintheels #leopardprintshoes ♬ original sound - Gabrielle Chanel
@gabbyxchanel on TikTok thrifted some pattern heels to add dimension to her basic classic outfit! We love it!
4. Glasses
Don't be afraid to add glasses to an outfit, whether they're sunnies or fake reading glasses. We love a moment that makes us look smart and hot all at the same time.
5. Purse
Don't forget your purse. It's essential and can be that one matching piece or a pop of color, even printed if you like! Don't be afraid to add textiles or prints—it's truly what we live for.
@ieshathegr8 is one person who knows how to elevate a basic! We are always in Stan of her outfits! Just look at the purse, it GIVES!!!!
Overall, your closet can elevate from basic to extravagant in less than 30 seconds with these tips! Let us know how you like these tips and tag us!
Meet Jayla Smith, contributing Writer for 247 Live Culture!