Exclusive | Rapper Dre of the East Talks His Latest Project 'Desert'

Dre of the East
I’m a very unique person that you really can’t box in. The only way to describe me is as myself.
— Dre of the East

By: Adonis Armstrong

North Carolina rapper, Dre of the East, is a rapper and producer who wants to expand his art through music. Dre has been making music since he was fourteen and took it more serious once his football dreams didn’t fall through. Music gave him new life and a spark within himself that he pours into his music. He also brings his community together to network at his artist/producer mixer and seminar called Media Majorz. He dropped two projects in 2022 and both projects are dope listens called Desert and Free World.

Dre of the East - “DNA”

Desert is a vibe as it touches every genre but has a serious rap element. Versatility is the wave in today’s game to stay ahead of the curve and gain new fans. Dre taps into each of his personalities and gifts us with Deserts which can be a good ride to work or away from work.

Dre's Streets (feat. Mike Jones)

We talked with Dre of the East in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

DRE: I've been engineering music since I was 14. I didn't start making music seriously until I was completely done with football (2017) so roughly about 5 or 6 years. When I was done with football, I felt purposeless and felt there was no reason to be alive. I felt I was just taking up space and air. I’m not a pitty person. I didn't look to others to understand or help. I didn't like that feeling so I set out to change it because I was the only person who could. I looked at a few different things.

I had my degree in Criminal Justice but my job didn't make me happy. I had been with my girl at the time for 5 years and even though I loved her and she loved me, the relationship didn't make me happy (I would never place that responsibility on a sole person other than myself). I even looked into religion and it wasn't fulfilling to me. I still had my engineering equipment from highschool so I began to write and record song about the struggles I was having at the time and it sparked something inside of me. Music gave me a reason to keep going and to be somebody again and unlike football, I controlled my destiny.

Musically, who has been your biggest influence in helping you along your journey and who are your favorite musicians?

DRE:  I have been influenced by many. Greatness has no form or structure so you can find greatness anywhere and be inspired by it. I have been influenced by artists from the bottom no names to the top well knowns and everything that I took became a vital part of who I am today. If I had to choose a favorite musician, it'd be Drake because of his longevity and versatility.

Dre of the East

What artists would you like to collaborate with and why?

DRE: Drake, Tim McGraw, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Paramore, Lil Baby, Bad Bunny, Morgan Wallen, Lil Durk, Doja Cat, Andre 3000, Sugarland, Post Malone etc. I want to work with every artist that has every influenced me. I’m a versatile artist because of these people and wish to become the best artist there has ever been. Touching every genre and actually good at them will require guidance from the greats.

What inspired you to create your EP “Desert”?

DRE: Most of my fans support me as a rapper. Right before I dropped Desert, I dropped a project called Free World. I was a country/rap fusion project. I knew it would throw off alot of my current fans. I didn't want to lose them or make them feel like I don’t want them as fans anymore so I figured I'd drop something for them right behind it I knew they'd like. So it was like Free World was dinner and Desert was what came after.

What is your favorite track on desert and why?

DRE: If I had to choose, I would say "Underdogs"  because of the production and the overall message.

Dre of the East - Underdogs (feat. Kydd & Bobby Snow)

What motivates you and how do you define success?

DRE: Success motivates me. I define success as simply making a living (funding your life) doing what you love. The opposite of success is failure and I believe that people only fail if they quit.

How do you describe your music to people and what separates you from other artists in your genre?

DRE:  My music is me. If you listen to my music you'll learn who I am and if you already know me, then you'll understand and appreciate my music even more. I'm a very unique person that you really can't box in. The only way to describe me is as myself. Same is to be said about my music.

Do you believe there is a formula to being a successful artist?

DRE: I want to say no because we see people that are successful that all have diferent stories. BUT there has been something in common about all of them. They all had the "IT" factor and thats hard to describe. I'm not sure if theres a bluprint for "IT".

Dre of the East - LDT (feat. KWorld)

Who is your greatest inspiration?

DRE: I would say "Kanye West". I dont really agree with a lot of his antics but over the years I have realized we have alot in common. I’m a producer, engineer, singer and song writer just as he is. I also love his confidence and his refusal to give into what society wants you to be.

In your opinion who is the most influential and successful artist in your genre today and why?

DRE: The most influential is Lil wayne. He has inspired an entire generation of artist. Face tats, dreads, bar heavy even the "lil" before their names. All thats wayne. But most successfull is Drake. He has dominated the charts in multiple genres and its indeniable.

Dre of the East

Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

DRE: I would say passion, sadness and joy. It depends on the mood I’m in and what im trying to invoke in the music. I try to create feels.

What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

DRE: I quit my job in 2018 to fully chase my passion. I went broke and went back to work. I quit my job again in 2021 and haven't had a "real" job since. There has been highs and lows and so many sacrifices to count. I've spent well over 100k over the past few years on bad investments and taking chances on myself. I dont regret anything. It’s a part of the process.

What aspect of the music making process excites you most, and what aspect discourages you the most?

DRE: When I'm writing and recording a lot of times I surprise myself. I get really exited. Hell sometimes i've cried cause in my head im like "How the hell do you do this." I have no background in music. Everything was self taught so seeing how good at this I have become is shocking at times even to me.

Dre of the East - Swervin (feat. Tae Brisko)

Where do you see yourself and your music in 10 years?

DRE: I just see myself successful. I mean Multi-millionare successful.


DRE: I would tell them to make sure it’s something they truly love. Alot of people think its the same as having a hobby. Its not. Once you KNOW its what you truly want to do, JUST GO. figure it out along the way. There isnt a blueprint for it nor will it ever be the perfect time. JUST GO.

Dre of the East - BlackHeart Freestyle (feat. XBrodie)

Is there anything else you would like people to know about you or your music?

DRE: Follow me on all platforms and socials @DreOfTheEast and follow me along the journey. Everything is documented and you will learn everything you need to know.




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