21 Day Abundance Challenge: Going Within And Appreciating Life's Blessings

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21 Day Abundance Challenge: Going Within And Appreciating Life's Blessings

By: Sydni Hatley

When COVID-19 hit it took away our freedom. Staying preoccupied and grounded at home became more and more difficult each day. People found themselves bored, restless, and feeling almost useless because life as we knew it became extremely limited and restricted. We found ourselves staring at the same walls of our homes, communicating with the same people in them. It seemed great when it first began (not having to go anywhere, laying in the bed all day and wearing pajamas), but soon that excitement to stay home flatlined and the whole world was faced with themselves, their fridge, and a few (or many) family members at home. I myself got into this funk.

Being an only child, you would think I was used to having to find ways to entertain myself. Admittedly, I was a little rusty after being away at college and consistently being surrounded by people, so finding ways to constantly keep myself entertained was tough. I am a very spiritual person, and I realized that even though being in quarantine did suck because it left you alone with yourself, it still was an opportunity to either build and grow within, or sink with the parts of yourself that were still stagnant. It was a time for reflection and at 20 years old, I felt that reflection and growth during this time were in my best interest. 

One day on Twitter, as everyone was tweeting their newfound grievances about being quarantined, a girl tweeted that she wanted to be constructive during this time by deciding to do a 21 day guided abundance challenge. What caught my eye about this in particular was that you did not need to know the people in the group to begin.

The girl who tweeted started a group message full of people who were interested, and each day she would send us a sanskrit-based mantra, a task, and a guided meditation for the day. The man who started this challenge as a whole is named Deepak Chopra, and he is famous for his guided meditations, spiritual following, and his belief in consciousness and alternative medicine. He spread the challenge with the hopes that people would begin their own guided groups based on his teachings and become more grateful for the wonders of this life. 

I joined completely open minded with the want to challenge myself to stay consistent while I grow, and this DEFINITELY did that for me. The beginning part of the challenge was good. I started my days with the challenge and it gave me such a refreshing start. Overall I felt more grounded, centered, and ready to start my day.

Each mantra and task brought me closer to myself, while also reminding me of the beauty of life and everything I DO have despite the pandemic. The middle got a little hard because I got lazy some days and literally wanted to sleep all day, or simply get up and start my day with social media---that was not healthy though, and I knew pushing through would be so much better than being unproductive in my bed. So I pushed through, and was glad I did because each day unlocked a new quality to my spiritual life that I didn’t even know was missing.

One of the best parts of the challenge was the ability to pass it on by starting your own group. As I continued to grow myself I was also able to see people within the group I started begin to experience transformations from this challenge for themselves, and seeing that was extremely rewarding.

The 21 Day Abundance Challenge allowed me to slow down, go within myself, and appreciate all of the blessings that have come into my life. It made me realize just how easy it is to get caught up in what is happening around us, making us feel like we have little to nothing. The reality is that this is not the truth. To be alive is a blessing, to be healthy is a blessing, and so is having friends and family that love and support you, even if you cannot physically be with them. It is important to remember that we are blessed in our own ways, and to always appreciate the little things in life, no matter how small they may seem.




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