28 Years, 28 Lessons Taught By Life

247 Live Culture - Digital Magazine
28 Years, 28 Lessons Taught By Life

By: Deveney Marshall

It seems like just yesterday I was a little girl ready to embrace all of the many things life had to offer, so to think that I turned 28 last week is mind-boggling. Over the years, I’ve been blessed to have some incredible experiences, and of course, I’ve had some not-so-great ones as well. All in all, I’ve learned some important lessons along the way, and though I wish I could have avoided learning some of them, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today if I hadn’t had those experiences.

In honor of the 28 years I’ve been on this earth, I’ve listed 28 grand lessons life has taught me thus far below.

1. Be Yourself. (Everyone else is already taken.)

In life we can fall into the trap of thinking we need to be someone else to make it in this world, but I’ve learned the only thing you need to stand out is being unapologetically yourself.

2. Happiness comes from within.

A lot of people were conditioned to believe happiness is something that can only be created with the help of someone else or from material things, but I’m here to tell you that is very wrong. Genuine happiness comes for deep within you, and it can only be felt after self-reflection, self-work, and acceptance.

3. Whatever you put out into the universe, you will get back. (Whether it be good or negative energy.)

Karma is not a fictitious thing, it is very real, and what you display in this life will always come back to find you. Try to always put out the type of energy you want to receive from others.

4. Everything is not for everybody. (Just because something is the status quo, doesn’t mean you need to have that thing as well.)

In life, and especially in this day and age of social media, we all believe we have to have the same goals, lifestyles, and experiences but your life should be tailored to the person you are. You don’t have to partake in anything that doesn’t feel right to you.

5. It’s okay not to be perfect.

Thanks to social media it’s very easy for everyone to portray a picture perfect life, but this journey we call life has many ups and downs, and no one is immune to experiencing either one.

6. Stop worrying about having it all together. (You will figure it all out, in due time, and if you never figure it out that’s okay too.)

Your twenties are for learning, trial & error, and growing, you do not have to have every detail of your life perfectly put together. Everything will happen just as it’s supposed to.

7. If it doesn’t feel right within your soul do not do it.

Over the years I’ve had to learn to trust my intuition more than ever before, and one thing I can say is if you listen to it, it will never steer you wrong.

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8. It’s okay to have different friends for different things. (Just don’t forget the people that have been there for you since day one.)

As my career grows, the friendships I have expanded as well. I now have industry friends, blogger friends, and of course my faithful friendship circle. They all play different roles and bring something different to my life. I know we’ve all been taught that having a multitude of friends isn’t good, but as I grow older I realize it’s necessary. It’s important to have different friends to go to for different aspects of your life.

9. Don’t push yourself into something you know you are not ready for.

I often see people allow themselves to be pushed in paths they know they aren’t ready to take yet. No one knows what’s best for you quite like you do. Listen to your intuition when it comes to the steps you want to take next in life.

10. Dreams do come true.

I’ve always been a person who believed dreams can come true, and over the last few years I’ve learned just how true that is. If you work hard and keep God first, everything you want in this life can become yours.

11. Take care of your body, and it will be good to you.

When you’re young, taking care of your health can be the last thing on your priority list. The sooner you care for your body by watching what you consume, you’ll immediately see a positive change within yourself.

12. Relationships are hard work and should be taken seriously.

A lot of people view relationships as something to do when there’s nothing to do, but they are not that simple. Real relationships take commitment, honesty, and two already complete individuals to have the best outcome. If you know you’re not ready to give that to someone, enjoy your own company and just casually date until you are.

13. Savor each and every moment of life.

None of us know how long we all will be on this earth, spend as much time enjoying your life as possible.

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Lessons We Learn In Life

14. Don’t allow society to determine who you’re supposed to be.

You have the right to be whoever you want to be in life whether it makes sense to others or not, remember that.

15. Surround yourself with beautiful, kindred souls.

The people you allow in your life will always have an affect on you as a person, make sure the individuals you allow into your spaces leave you feeling uplifted and empowered.

16. Your word is all you have.

I grew up being told ”your word is your bond.” Do not tell someone you are going to do something and don’t.

17. Be kind to your skin.

Taking care of your skin early on is a must, and the secret to remaining youthful forever. Make sure you exfoliate, moisturize, and drink lots of water.

18. Music makes everything in life better.

What you listen to has the power to turn any situation around, and set the entire tone for your life.

19. Don’t ask for respect, demand it.

Experience has taught me when you take yourself seriously, everyone else does also, don’t go around asking for respect from others, show why you deserve it instead.

20. Don’t force something that’s not meant to be.

When something is truly meant to be, it will naturally happen, and always fall right into place.

21. Take time to meditate every week.

Caring for your mental health is one of the most important things we can do for our survival. Do whatever makes you feel most centered on a weekly basis. If your soul is not well, your life will not be either.

22. Be grateful.

We tend to equate being grateful with remaining humble but I’m here to tell you no matter where you are in your life you are blessed. Never forget that.

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23. You don’t know everything, and you never will.

Even the most highly accoladed scholars don’t know everything there is to know about life. Life is a constant journey of learning and evolving, and you should be doing both as long as you are breathing.

24. Know when to listen, and know when to disregard.

As a type a Virgo, I’m always “on it.” I’m one of those people that can gather all I need to know with just one glance and one listen, however over time I had to learn it is not wise to be this way. It’s okay to take heed to the advice of others and hear what they gathered from an experience as well. Do you have to negate what you believe? Not at all, but it’s important to listen to the viewpoints of others.

25. You will fail and you will be fine.

The older I become, the more I learn that failure is inevitable. Not everything will work out the way you envisioned and that’s okay, God usually has a better plan for you anyway.

26. Life is filled with an equal amount of ups and downs.

We’ve been conditioned to believe either a person can be one thing or the other, however, that is false. Just as people are a multitude of things, so is life. We will experience many emotions on this journey, both good and bad, and sometimes at the same time.


Pray all day, every day. Even when you don’t feel a prayer is needed, pray. Prayer changes things.

28. God will always have your back, always.

God created each and every one of us for a specific reason. We all have purpose, and God will always be here to help us fulfill them. There isn’t a moment on this earth God is not there, you just have to learn to trust and believe that.

I hope the wisdom I’ve gained over the years helps you on your journey. Now ask yourself what lessons has life taught you through the years?