4 Methods of Spiritual Cleansing and Removing Negative Energy

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4 Methods of Spiritual Cleansing and Removing Negative Energy

By: Sydni Hatley

We finally made it to 2021, and it is not too late to start purging your life of anything that should have been left in 2020. 2020 was already such a crazy year, and on so many levels people were tried to the point where the concept of reinventing themselves for the new year felt like a dire necessity.

Everyone has been talking more than ever about the need to leave negative things behind and make room for new blessings--Even though it is just a few days into the New Year, it’s okay to just be getting started on that process. Making room for blessings and purging bad energy heavily involves spiritual cleansing and setting meaningful intentions while doing so. There are various methods of cleansing out those negative vibrations, some of which are as follows: 

Saging/Smudging Your Home

This method is pretty straightforward and simple. You take a bundle of sage leaves and light them so they emit smoke. This smoke is meant to clear any negative energies from your space, and if you speak positive affirmations they can further serve as a form of blessing and protection over your area. A key note with smudging is to always have a door, window, or both open so the smoke and bad energies do not get trapped and circulate within your home. The point is to get rid of them, not keep them in! It is also helpful to note that different types of sage leaves have different functions and forms of protection---do your research on what kinds align most with your intentions, and make sure you are purchasing leaves from a VALID, earth-conscious source. 

Sage for Spiritual Cleansing

Use Florida Water

Florida water is a form of Cologne Water and is very tonic/citrusy. It includes floral oils, spices, and herbs. People use this water for toning of the skin, to heal aching muscles and wounds, and so much more. When used to spiritually cleanse, some people mop their floors with the water (mixed with other cleaning soaps), or wear it on their body to help release tension, anxiety, and any other negativity they are holding on to. Florida Water is arguably at the top of the list of things you can use to cleanse yourself and your space of toxic energy, starting a fresh chapter. The best part is that with the right ingredients you can even make it yourself! 

Light Incense Throughout Your Space

Like sage, certain incenses have specific purposes. While incense is known for its potent scents and ability to relax a setting, it is also another form of spiritual cleansing. The scent of incense can help bring you to a calm state, perfectly fitting for prayer, meditation, and intention-setting. I personally like to light my incense when it has been a long day and I feel the need to re-center. The earthy scents bring me back to my core and usually are the first step before I go into prayer. 

Work With Crystals

Crystals are another grounding force that people use for spiritual cleansing and guidance. They have respective properties and uses that align with the seven chakras. You can use crystals in alot of ways when it comes to realigning your own energy and getting rid of negativity. You can meditate with specific crystals placed on the part of your body whose chakra they are aligned with, you can place them in various parts of your home by purpose and need, you can travel with them for protection, and you can even sleep with them nearby. A powerful aspect of crystals themselves is that like people, they too need recharging and cleansing after exposure to draining energy or being used for a lot of healing work. The beautiful thing is you can remember to reset your own vibrations with these stones, because like you they too can reach an overload of the wrong energy and become stagnant. 

These are just some of the main ways that you can begin to reclaim your energy and let go of the negative. These tools are from the earth but at the forefront of the energies they perpetuate are the thoughts and wants that you affirm when you put them to use. It all starts with you. Have faith and make time for these practices, and your blessings will overflow that much more. Always be aware of the energies you let into your space, your mind, and spirit. These methods of cleansing are there to help you reset and refocus--perfect for the new season we have just begun!



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