Overcoming Self Sabotage: Stop Getting In Your Own Way

247 Live Culture
Overcoming Self Sabotage: Stop Getting In Your Own Way

By: Sydni Hatley

Oftentimes, we have great ideas and aspirations for ourselves. It could be a dream to be the next President, join the NBA, or even be the next big superstar. There are “smaller” dreams we have too. Things like finally starting that business we’ve been sitting on for years, or going back to school---these become our wildest dreams because we dare to see ourselves in a position that we don’t believe could really be true. 

We waste so much time treating our dreams like they are untouchable because we simply don’t believe that we can achieve them in real life. What this does is stop our dreams before they can even begin. 

The worst part about self sabotage is that you don’t fully realize it is happening until you lose or miss something you didn’t have to. A lot of times the culprit of this distracting mentality isn’t anyone else but ourselves being consumed by fear and a lack of conviction. A lot of times people swear the reason they cannot or have not reached a certain level of success is because of the world or the people around them. 

The issues are that “no one sees their potential”, or “no one will give them a chance”, but most of the time these things aren’t always true. The biggest thing someone can do to achieve their dreams is believe in themselves and put themselves out there...no matter what. Most of the time half of the people that get that major job opportunity or chance to live their dream are the ones who believe within themselves and believe that they have what it takes to succeed. 

This attitude not only fools the people around you into thinking you always know what to do and how to do it, but it radiates a magnetic energy around you of positivity and opportunity. The energy you put into yourself is the energy you attract, so if you are pouring doubt and sabotage into yourself, you will sabotage yourself out of opportunities, and people will doubt your worth. Your shot at certain opportunities will already be determined for you because you did not believe in yourself enough to show the world why you deserve it. 

Ridding yourself of the plague that is self sabotage begins with watching how you talk to yourself. Every day you have to fight the habit of self doubt. It’s understood that it may not be intentional for you to talk down about your capabilities, but you have to realize the vicious cycle YOU are creating.

Once you understand the power of your own words, you can then use them for good. It’s simple. The minute you hear a voice in your head tell you that you can’t, interrupt it with “I can”. The moment a voice in your head says you won’t, interrupt with “I will”. A lot of people have been successful by confidence and self love alone. If they can do it, so can you!



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