What If Everyone Helped With Earth’s Conservation? | 12 Tips For Doing Your Part

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What If Everyone Helped With Earth’s Conservation?

By: Lauryn Bass

There is only one Earth. One place for us to inhabit. One place that provides us with the tools to our very existence. Only one place that we can truly call home. Yet, we’re destroying it

There are plenty of articles, case studies, and research that show us how the actions we are doing now are continuing the everlasting degradation of Earth’s surface and atmosphere. We can literally feel the heat from global warming keeping us from a true winter. Yet, no one believes that what they do individually can impact our future.

Plenty of companies will advertise their aid to Earth’s cause but we, as a people, have an even bigger impact. Just put it into perspective: Saving coins in a jar. If you were to put all of your loose change into a jar every day, it will surely fill up with dollar after dollar. It only takes 4 quarters to make a dollar. Imagine trash the same way. The more that pollution worsens on our land, the more it affects our waters, and eventually our air—it’s a domino effect. When in reverse, what if we all picked up trash? Or what if we all stopped using plastic water bottles and switched to refillable ones?

With more and more of us being more cognizant of our life choices and behaviors, we can stop fueling companies that are harmful to our beloved home planet.

We Need To Do Something Soon! 

It is estimated by scientists that if a major 180 doesn’t happen soon, human life as we know it will cease by the year 2050! That is cutting our lifespan in half! We just hit 2020, that is 30 years from now! Animals are facing extinction, weather conditions are worsening, you name it! The government will only start helping alongside the people if we make this a big deal and hit them where it hurts--their wallets! Changing our bad habits may not be something we can just quit cold-turkey, but once it is incorporated into our lifestyles, we will begin to see a difference.

A part of my environmental science class is that we must pledge a personal sustainability statement. Within this contract, you promise to do something helpful to the environment for the rest of the semester. For example, my professor bikes everywhere that is feasible for him. He also owns an electric car and no longer uses gasoline--a nonrenewable resource.

Some stores have added to this movement by no longer making plastic bags available for groceries. It only takes doing something 7 times until it is learned by the brain and becomes habitual. So by the end of the semester, it would be instilled into my daily routine. Isn’t my professor clever? So I extend this promise onto my readers and those who you share it with to switch things up for the better. 

What If Everyone Helped With Earth’s Conservation?

Don’t have any ideas? Here’s a list of choices to get involved:

1. Use refillable bottles 

2. Stop using straws (My personal sustainability contract! #SaveTheTurtles)

3. Use cloth shopping bags 

4. Carpool or bike (Get that exercise girl!) 

5. Take shorter showers 

6. Don’t let the sink water run when brushing your teeth 

7. Switch to solar energy for power 

8. Turn all lights off before you leave 

9. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

10. Use real plates, cups, and silverware! 

11. Donate old food items to a local food bank 

12. Pick up any litter you see outside 

Any of these would be a perfect start to helping clean up the mess we have started. Do more to help this planet continue to provide for us so that life as we know it won’t end anytime soon. Do your own research on other ways to donate to helpful organizations as well as participate in the government to get things to change. Go to a march, protest, or even celebrate at an Earth-Day festival so that you can be surrounded by others who are like-minded and ready to save the world.



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