Anthiny King Talks Release Of His New Album "Parallels"

Anthiny King Talks Release Of His New Album "Parallels"

By: Omar Cook

R&B singer Anthiny King dropped his new album Parallels and it is full of good vibes! The album features 11 tracks that you can play all the way through with no skips and it will not disappoint. Anthony Jerome Lezama Jr., better known by his stage name Anthiny King was born in Manhattan, New York, November 20, 1990. Raised between Harlem and Brooklyn, Anthiny is an independent American rapper, singer-songwriter and producer of West Indian Descent. He spent most of his younger years in harlem where he began writing down rhymes at the age of 14 influenced by a close friend in High School. Since releasing a few mixtapes and EPs, he’s worked on and been apart of songs with the likes of Jadakiss, Fabolous, Bun B, Jae Millz & Loaded Lux just to name a few.

Anthiny King - Sonic Silhouettes S2:E3 | DON'T LOSE

We talked with Anthiny King in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

QUESTION: What was your inspiration for the title of this project?

Anthiny King: At one point in time in life when I was 17 and done with High School, I had made this conscious decision to pursue music as a career. Creatively I was in this very big imaginative state and it felt like I could make anything I had in my mind. Over the course of the next decade into this current time, I would experience so many things in life that would either strip me of my inspiration and confidence or help me gain it but the feeling I had at 17 had never quite got back to me in the midst of these challenges. Now on this present day that reinvigorating energy I carry now parallels where I was 11 years ago. The two lines i once walked faithfully with me either being an artist/creative or an audio engineer/songwriter had lead me back to this road when I started believing again. I feel like the art aspect between those two lines parallel each other as it takes just about the same effort from both to actually make something special.

QUESTION: What do you want people to know about your music and this project?

Anthiny King: This album finally came together after my so many hiatuses… and for that I apologize to everyone who’d been waiting all the while. I had planned to release a full length project a few years back but I felt I wasn’t emotionally there yet. I think I simply just had more life to experience and other personal things with myself to get over before I could put the finalization on anything. I also want people to know that I personally recorded, mixed and mastered this album from top to bottom myself. So you’re getting a thorough listen of ME. I wanted to control the sonics of my ideas.

QUESTION: What do you feel is a song that people MUST listen to on this project?

Anthiny King: I can’t really think of anything specific when it comes to Parallels. You’d just have to experience it in full.

QUESTION: How did you generate ideas for the songs on this Prelude?

Anthiny King: Nothing was forced. I think I let my heart lead me through the whole process. Every song on here is genuinely inspired whether it be by my personal life, a family or friend’s situation, or me wanting to create a moment for myself to help me tap back into the days of young when my grandparents, mother and father would play me these amazing tunes spanning between the early 60’s and the late 90’s. These were “the good ol’ days”.

Anthiny King Talks Release Of His New Album "Parallels"

QUESTION: What separates this project from your past projects?

Anthiny King: This is the most focused project I’ve ever put together. Past releases were labeled as Mixtapes, Compilations, EPs… but this is my first Album. This project to me just seems the most put together in terms of introducing myself and my talent in the way that’s able to help you understand me more clearer than ever. I’ve watched a lot of my favorites like Kanye West, J. Cole, Sade, Drake, Jay-Z, Pharrell put out these growing brands of sound with each project they release. Doing some of that studying had helped me put things into perspective and compassed the sound of the album.

QUESTION: How long have you been making music and how did you get started?

Anthiny King: I’ve been doing this since I was 14. I was always very fond of it even at a younger age. What got me started were these lunch room freestyles me and a good friend would kick everyday. I admired his skills so much that I started working on mines and fast forward, I’m home recording whole songs on this tape recorder my mom would use to catch her church sermons. I had bought this PS2 video game MTV Music Generator 3 which had dropped the same year of 2004. It allowed me to create my own beats and remixes. I would make the beat, write the song and then have to record the whole song in 1 take on the tape recorder. Lol I’d hate when my siblings would mess it up by making noise even when I would tell them to be quiet for a few minutes. I must’ve recorded a lot of songs like 10 times each at least. The rest is history.

QUESTION: What motivates you and how do you define success?

Anthiny King: My people. My close ones. My loved ones. I do everything not only for me… but for them as well. It’s bigger than me. It’s about inspiring others to push themselves to their greater potentials while pushing for your own. Success to me is taking care of you and yours and fulfilling your purpose. Being emotionally, spiritually and physically healthy is one of the greatest successes of all time in my opinion.  

QUESTION: Which emotion more than any other, currently dominates your music? Joy, sadness, anger or passion etc. , and why?

Anthiny King: I let all emotions take their place in my music. But to center it all I’ll say everything comes down to joy and sadness...but mostly joy… there’s a lot of things that make us happy… and a lot that makes us sad. I never shy away from tapping into those emotions to get a point across because life is forever giving us our best times one minute and then in the next everything’s to s***. You will always hear my music and be able time travel to that moment in your life when things were “right”... I make this music from a real place. I just want everyone to feel good when they listen.

Anthiny King Talks Release Of His New Album "Parallels"

QUESTION: What sacrifices have you had to make, to make your dream a reality?

Anthiny King: I just really had to focus up and that task doesn’t get any easier. Focusing up to achieve the things I truly want included less time with family, friends, girlfriends, etc. No one will ever understand what it takes to attain certain things musically until you submerge yourself into your craft. It has to go undistracted during long periods of time. It’s easier said than done.

QUESTION: What advice would you give to other up and coming artists or people looking to break into the music industry?

Anthiny King: Be your biggest believer. No one is going to believe it the way they should if you don’t. And always remain true to you. Your energy must at all times be protected. Those who don’t understand you creatively now… will later… you just have to continue on with your ascension. And aim to improve. Respect your peers and the ones that came before you. Study your sound and confidently grow it.  

QUESTION: If you had one message to give to your fans what would it be?

Anthiny King: We’re all designers in this lifetime… if you have ideas… never be afraid to clothe the people in them because you never know who’s going to make it their favorite outfit.




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