Joshua Sheeran Talks "Only If You Knew" EP Release

Joshua Sheeran

By: Omar Cook

Rising artist Joshua Sheeran dropped a hot new EP titled Only If You Knew! Sheeran compiled an 8 track EP that is full of good vibes! We talked with this artist in an exclusive interview, check it out below!

Question: What was your inspiration for the title of this project?

The title ‘Only if you knew’ was curated from ideas of feeling misconceived. Like, I’m always the one looked at for joy, smiles, good family, financially situated and having everything together. But that’s not the case at all. So far from the perfection they see in me. Only if they knew what it takes to even be happy most days and even try. 

Question: What do you feel is a song that people MUST listen to on this project?

The intro, ‘Only if you knew’ and the track ‘Issues’. Both of these have problems that have plagued me and followed me around for awhile now. I finally broke those curses. Also, honorable mention to ‘rain, 2019’ that was like everything I needed to hear, from myself. 

Joshua Sheeran Talks "Only If You Knew" EP Release

Question: How did you generate ideas for the songs on this EP?

Literally every song was from a piece of my life. Every single moment happened, all joy, all the pain, all the good and all the glory. It all happened. I’m thankful to be able to make it through those storms. 

Question: What separates this project from your past projects?

My vulnerability. Everything previously written kinda related to my life but not on such a personal level like this. These tracks talk about me head on. Before it was me skating around topics but to move on in life, I felt these things had to be said/written/performed/recorded. Not to lay in these thoughts but to grow up. 

Check out the EP Below!




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