Rapper Queen Left Talks Upcoming EP "The Kundalini Experience"

Who’s Hot? Exclusive

By:  Omar Cook

Rochester, NY — On this episode of "Who's Hot? Exclusive," Rochester's vibrant music scene takes center stage with rapper Queen Left, who is gearing up to drop her highly anticipated EP, "The Kundalini Experience." Known for her lyrical prowess and soul-stirring performances, Queen Left offers listeners an in-depth look at her creative journey, discussing everything from the genesis of her songs to the stage execution that has captivated audiences.

Queen Left opens up about how spirituality isn't just a part of her life; it's woven into the very fabric of her music, influencing both her lyrics and her outlook on the world. "The Kundalini Experience" promises to be more than just an album; it's a glimpse into a transformative journey of self-awareness and empowerment, themes that are palpably felt through her words and rhythms.

Throughout the episode, Queen Left articulates her commitment to not only entertain but also educate and uplift her listeners. She explains how tapping into her spiritual side has enriched her music, giving it a depth that resonates on a universal level. Her goal is clear: to make music that moves people not just to dance, but to think and feel deeply, fostering a community of listeners who are as reflective as they are enthusiastic.

Don’t miss out on this episode of "Who's Hot? Exclusive," where Queen Left's passion and dynamism shine, offering an inspiring blend of music, spirituality, and life lessons. It’s a compelling reminder of how artists like her are pushing the boundaries of what music can be and do in the modern era.

Check out the full episode hosted by Omar Cook.