9 Tips For Increasing Your Energy in Low Times

247 Live Culture
9 Tips For Increasing Your Energy in Low Times

By: Lauryn Bass

During this rising pandemic, it can be easy to fall into a funk. With this new social isolation, a lot of us are challenged with our priorities. The atmosphere of summer is being toyed with the work that is being stacked on our heads. Students and adults are having to telecommute within the comfort of their beds which may lead to distractions or a lack of motivation. This transition has plenty of opportunity to go left or right, but it is up to you to steer the course into a successful direction. All that is needed is a shift of energy in a couple of different ways.

1. Keep Water In Your System

Staying hydrated will keep you on task. When the body gets dehydrated, the body becomes lethargic. It slows down progress when the tank isn’t full, so fill up on some h20! 

2. Set Goals

Work tends to pile up as things are balancing out. For example, with online classes becoming the predominant form of teaching for students who are used to on-campus learning, to compensate for the homework, lectures have transitioned to packets, worksheets, and other unnecessary assignments. As you try to tackle each project, plan how to reach the long-term goal with short-term goals

3. Take Breaks

In between each set increment, take some time to breathe. Get up and move around. Sing or do a little dance. Check on your notifications, plants, pets, or just walk around to unwind for a minute before refocusing back to your target. 

4. Get More Sleep

Now that beds are a lot more convenient to use, take advantage of power naps! Get that little wink of sleep in between the day’s duties. Also, at night, try to get more sleep. Aim for that 7-8 hour mark of shut-eye so that while you're busy with objectives, the bed won’t be calling your name. 

5. Eat Clean 

Don’t fall into a pit of unfulfilling foods. With the scarcity of food, try to snack on items that give you lasting energy over sugar-filled items that run through you. Indulge here and there, but keep your meals centered around nutrients and vitamins. 

Eat Healthy

6. Go On DND 

This alone time can open up a space for creativity. Ideas can flow and there is ample opportunity to build new things. Take a break from social media and allow your time to be used up by other interests of yours that may have become an overlooked hobby.

7. Stay Optimistic

Fake news is real honey! Trying to fish through what is made up from the darkness of the truth can be very overwhelming and begin to spread negativity. Continue to keep high-spirits by constantly reassuring yourself. Staying grounded can be achieved through reciting positive affirmations or posting them around you to keep you uplifted. Things ARE going to get better and you WILL succeed! 

8. Reach Out To Friends

Even though you’re separated physically, communication with your besties can be achieved via technology! Find innovative ways to call them as we did with Oovoo, Houseparty, and Skype. Send iPhone games, start streaks, schedule FaceTimes and truly catch up with your loved ones in an intimate way that may not have been explored when life as we knew it was on a different track. 

9. Exercise

Get yourself moving! Even if it’s for 15 minutes a day, take a nice walk, jog, or run! Stretch and use joints that would be dormant on a norm. Dance, jumprope, bike, skate, etc. The list is endless!

The coronavirus may have shut down society but it does not have to shut you down! Little by little, this challenge will be overcome with our perseverance. This reality check is only helping us come face-to-face with who we are as people and helping us use what we have learned and built for better. With these few reminders to attach to our day, society will soon return to a new way that we appreciate and we will be stronger from it.