New Year, New Energy! Switching Up Your Work And Living Spaces Creates A Positive Vibe

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New Year, New Energy! Switching Up Your Work And Living Spaces Creates A Positive Vibe

By: Lauryn Bass

It is FINALLY 2020, the year we have all been waiting for! Whether it is “The year of vision” or “The year of clarity”, this new decade is sure to bring ideas into fruition! Goals are being set and everyone is ready to chase the bag, but no one is truly considering how to strategically plan for a successful year. The dream starts and ends at home, so let’s get the house in order!

It is scientifically proven that your psyche is affected by what is around you. For example, you think more clearly in a clean room than you would in a messy one. There are a few ways that you can set up your home to benefit your life in the best way possible!

new year new energy

Clean your space

Get rid of the clutter! Throw away old utensils, shred old files, and toss that project from the second grade. Anything that does not coincide with your 2020 success HAS TO GO! Periodically wipe down your laptop monitors and desk, dust your window sill, and lysol everything else! Things can get untidy throughout the year but taking the time to get rid of unnecessary items is key to excelling. When you are in a dirty place, you are uncomfortable and unfocused. Bring back the sense of organization and urge that grind mentality to soar with fresh new start! 

Rearrange your space

With the items that are needed for your growth and matriculation, give each one their own home. Every place should be organized in a safe way that is easily accessible for you. From your pens and pencils, to your mics and interfaces, everything should have its own destination. Also, switch things up! Stimulate your brain with a funky set up. Catercorner your desk or move something to a shelf. If we can adapt to new updates on our apps and devices, we can surely adjust to a desk being placed on a different wall and our beds turned another direction. Trying out a little feng shui can give your workspace a touch of liveliness.

Rearrange Your Space

Decorate your space

Now for the fun part: It’s time to spruce up your home with some eye-catching features! Don’t be afraid of color-coding, the more the merrier! Add an interesting painting to your wall, buy a new calendar, and most definitely purchase yourself a plant. Create a vision board of all the goals that you would like to achieve this year or within this new decade and pin it up as your daily motivation. Place sticky-notes of positive affirmations around the home to constantly remind yourself that everything that you wish to come true, will--there is power in the tongue!

Decorate Your Space

This new year of 2020 is going to be prosperous. It’s going to bring forth so many good things for everyone who is prepared to receive challenges and overcome them with ease. To aid in this journey, keeping your work and living quarters aligned and clean will embark you into a happy new year!