How I Learned To Manifest Opportunities With This 3 Step Morning Routine

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Manifest Your Desires

By: Omar Cook

This is not a cliche YouTube or blog post about manifesting, this is me telling you exactly what has worked for me. Free game. As we all evolve on our spiritual journey, we learn what works for us, and one of the things I’ve learned is how to manipulate my own reality through the power of intention. 

For a long time, we’ve been given this cookie cutter ideal of life; go to school, graduate, get a job, go to church on Sunday’s, get married, have kids, and settle down and retire. Sounds good. But I want more than that. 

I believe that the world has much deeper layers than the physical things that we see, and that we can manipulate what happens in our lives with mental spiritual practices. The Law of attraction is a real thing and you can attract whatever it is that you want just by believing you can have it. The key to manifesting anything is BELIEVING IN YOURSELF, believing that you can have anything. Just imagine if every single black child in America believed in themselves with 100% supreme confidence. I believe I can have anything I want and that was the first step to changing the world around me.

I’m going to give you my 3 step routine for manifesting your desires and new opportunities. It’s a simple morning routine that will take about an hour of your time. This is not geared towards a certain religion, this is geared towards you as a powerful spiritual being. Read it below!

1. Write Everything Down

When I say write everything down, I mean EVERYTHING. I start my day off by writing first so I can see my thoughts, and set my intentions for my day. I ran into another young man at Church one day who randomly told me to start writing things down. Since then, I went and grabbed a journal. You can call this your prayer journal, manifestation journal, whatever, just know it’s going to be the key to bringing your desires to real life. You can start off by journaling weekly, or everyday, whichever suits you best. When writing things down, I write as if I’m speaking a prayer. My journal entry serves as an opportunity to release my own worries and doubts and an opportunity to call in new things. I free write where I just let my own thoughts flow and then I write my intentions and desires. 

Now here’s the key. You write your goals and desires down as something that you would like to have...and then you write it as if you already have it. Example, I may write “I would like to have to more opportunities to advance in my career field”. Writing as if I already have it would look like “Thank you for the abundance of opportunities to advance in my career field that are around me” or “More opportunities to advance in career are on the way.” This is how you call in what you want by creating a feeling of already having it. The universe works in crazy ways, but it’s important that we learn to manipulate it while we’re playing this game of life. This universe we live in is built on energy, and by projecting an energy of gratitude, you will receive more of what you are thankful for, even if you don’t already have it. Don’t believe me, try this shit.

I’ve written down every single thing that I want to happen in my life, at least for my near future, whether that’s with business ideas, career goals, relationships, and financial goals. As soon as you make your intentions clear, this Universe will begin placing people and situations around that will help support your goals. It won’t always look like how you want, but it’s up to you to recognize the signs and synchronicities that are presented to you that will let you know how to move forward. The saying be careful what you ask for, is REAL. There have been people and situations that I called into my life and when it was time for me to experience these things, I realized it wasn’t what I wanted in the long run. But it was exactly what I asked for. Be intentional, be specific, and write out your intentions. This will change your life.

2. Prayer

After I have spent my time journaling, I get on my knees and I pray. If you have a space, like a closet, this will work better. Getting into a prayer closet creates an intimate environment between you and God where you can communicate. The same exact things I just wrote about, I speak it verbally in the form of prayer. The power of prayer is real, no matter what religion you practice. This world is a spiritual realm, more spiritual than physical, whether you believe that or not. And the power of your tongue is an extremely powerful tool. I’ve gotten to the point where I watch what I say towards people and especially myself. A lot of times we are our own worst enemies by speaking down on ourselves. When in reality, we are our own best friends and we should be speaking life into ourselves.

Praying and communicating your desires to God let’s the Universe know your thoughts and desires directly. Don’t put a time limit on your prayer, just go until you have nothing left to be said. Express your worries and doubts but don’t make your prayer a prayer that sounds needy, always fill it with gratitude. Let God know you are thankful for the things you have now and are thankful for what’s to come. GRATITUDE and creating the feeling of gratitude is essential to calling in blessings. Major. By praying right after you journal, you have basically multiplied the strength of your power by 2, now there’s no question that your intentions have been heard.

3. Meditation

Mediation is just as important as the other 2. I set my timer for exactly 11:11 minutes. Why? Because 1111 is the number you make a wish on and in meditation, you are basically going into a dream world of your own thoughts, where you are creating your reality. You can meditate for however long you choose, that’s your personal time. Personally, if I spend too long meditating my mind wonders so about 10 minutes is a good time.

Manifest Your Desires

This time you spend in silence, you are reflecting on what you wrote and prayed about and create that reality in your head and see what it would like to have everything you desire. This is an intimate time that you spend with yourself and connect with God as well. This time in silence can result in you getting answers that you’ve been searching for. Just like journaling and praying, this is a time for being intentional. Focus your thoughts on exactly what you want and play it out in your mind. By writing, praying, and meditating, you have expressed your desires in 3 different ways to the universe in a matter of an hour. It’s extremely powerful and you will begin to feel the power within you as you build consistency with this.

I want each and every one of you to live a dope life, and this routine I gave you is a sure way to change your life. Tap into the power that you have within you and start manifesting exactly what you want.