The Art Of Networking: 3 Easy Tips To Becoming A Master Networker

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The Art Of Networking: 3 Easy Tips To Becoming A Master Networker

By: Omar Cook

A college degree may be necessary to get your foot in the door for a lot of professions, but the art of networking can open doors that your degree will not. Why is this so? Because people will relate to you more as a real individual rather than the accolades you put down on a piece of paper (your resume). Networking is a skill that takes practice. It’s not an easy task to walk up to a stranger and strike a conversation, but it is a necessary skill that is required for anyone that is looking to level up in any kind of way. In today’s world, communication and being able to sell yourself can take you to new heights.

I could give you a lengthy post of 20 tips on how to effectively network, but I will save that for an additional post. So I’m giving you 3 easy tips to help you become a master networker! Apply these tips and watch your circle of influence change!

1. Always Carry Business Cards

I cannot stress this enough, carrying a business card is extremely important. If you’re a person that’s in business for themselves or you have a brand that you feel people need to know about, it’s a must that you carry a business card on you at all times. You just never know who you’re going to meet. A lot of times people don’t have time to sit and wait for you to input their number and contact info into your phone, so handing them a business card is a quick and easy way to get your info in the right hands. And if you’re dealing with people who are truly professional, most of the time they will ask you if you have a business card. It took me a few times of being asked for a card to realize that this was a big deal and that I needed to have this. A true business owner and master networker is always ready with a card on deck. You can get a box of 500 cards for just $30 on vista print. Don’t miss an opportunity because you were unprepared!

2. Always Be Yourself

Don’t be that person that finally gets in front of someone you’ve been waiting to meet for the longest and blows the opportunity because you were trying to be someone you’re not. The right people will love you for who you are, so if you’re having to put on a front to impress someone, it’s a good chance that it’s not a right fit. Let’s say you meet someone but you met them with a false persona; now you have to work harder to keep up the front! Who has time for that? People will be able to tell the real from the fake and the best relationships you make will always be through genuine interactions. Just being myself has opened up so many doors for me. A person just may give you an opportunity that you may not be fully qualified for just based off your personality and attitude. Be true to yourself and you will attract the right opportunities into your life!

3. Always Follow Up

After you’ve locked in that dope new contact that you just met by exchanging business cards and being yourself, it’s a MUST that you follow up with that person. Just sending a short message of gratitude explaining how it was nice to meet them and you look forward to speaking with them soon can go a long way. Not only do they have your contact, but now they know you’re serious about working with them because you took the time out to follow up. This is where the magic happens. The follow up can lead to job opportunities, meetings, and further communication. Make sure that you’re following up in a professional manner that’s straight to the point!

I want all of you to land that dream opportunity that you’ve been hoping for so I hope these tips will guide you in building your network! Be blessed!