Finding Your Own Happiness And Overcoming Your Fears

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Finding Your Own Happiness And Overcoming Your Fears

By: Jordan King

First and foremost no weapon formed against you shall prosper. Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists. Fear is honestly just an illusion. All things considered, fear can also be a fuel. Fuel for motivation, for inspiration, and ultimately potential that otherwise wouldn’t have been realized.

We often relate that which is unknown to that which scares us. The power and grip fear can have on your life is mighty. It can cripple and confuse even the strongest people. Fear can topple nations and destroy lives only if you fail to turn the situation into your favor by transmuting the energy brought on by being afraid. We can accomplish and achieve our hearts desire; nothing will stop the positivity flowing from within you and you’ll be at peace within yourself. To be honest, you won’t really need anyone else except for the spirit above.

Eight is the number of harmony. Now for eight minutes, solo rays of light from that mighty yellow star sail through space to illuminate our world. The cold vacuum of space can’t even stop the comforting warmth the sun provides. Through eclipses & storms, Light provides true life, while the moon illuminates the night. Darkness temporarily reigns supreme, while joy is still present even in the shadows. Light is produced and cultivated from within.

Everything is connected & joy comes from within self. The individual is responsible for their own happiness despite the draws and allures of claims of fulfillments from outside sources. Also, it can become very satisfying to know not to depend on others for that which you need to find yourself.

Happiness looks different for everyone. No one size fits all in this life; you must search long and hard to find your peace and joy. When you find even a sliver, a portion, protect at all costs… for you and your life matter matters. It’s safe to say most humans have experienced sadness or even yearning over something or someone. Fear creeps in to fill the void left by lack of joy; however, we’re all about solutions here! How do we maintain joy during those occasional dark and trying times?

Divinity, or that breath of life, exists in us all. That spark is invaluable. Yet there is an evil presence on earth. It’s natural and present all this time, so you must experience fear alongside joy. If you don’t, how can one appreciate the mountains if you haven’t suffered in the trenches? Earth is a strong planet, she knows no fear. If the nature has yet to forsake us on a celestial journey hurtling through the universe, why should any of us harbor fear?

Exploit the emotion of fear. Turn the process into your favor; continue to use your personal toolbox to make it fair. Your boom can’t stop; rest if you must but do not quit! Remember that you are stuff of Stardust, and that your mission and time on this planet is divine and by divine intention.



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