Learning Lessons In Patience and Accountability

247 Live Culture
Learning Lessons In Patience and Accountability

By: Jordan King

The 2020 pandemic, while still ongoing, has tested universal patience like never before. Through foreclosures, loved ones transitioning and more; our psyches can only handle so much. Once again though, Jordan is all about solutions! So how do we begin to pimp the process of patience properly and positively?

The Legend Pharrell Williams on his album GIRL said “you gotta go inward to experience the outer space that was meant for you”. We must dive deep to reach you a space of potential. It begins within you. No amount of lolly gagging or horseplay will create a future for what you seek for yourself; however it does take patience, time, energy and deep reflection.

Picture your optimum self. Your needs, your desires, your career, your passions; what does your ideal pair to these things look like? Who do you need to answer to for them? What needs to be accomplished on your end to make these things materialize we need to change? What can stay and what can wait? The best things in life are really worth waiting for.

With that being said, situations which require a period of patience may not always be comfortable, yet the reward gained in the end is both priceless and a true virtue. Experience becomes a teacher, as well as learning to act in the opportune moment.

During my ongoing journey, I spent about six collective years in undergrad trying to complete my college work. While I was able to eventually finish and graduate...it wasn’t easy and required much tenacity on my personal end. The whole process tested my own trinity (mind body and spirit) in ways I hadn’t yet imagined.

During those years, I experienced enough in my personal life to even gain guidance on eventually taking two non-consecutive semesters off to heal. Receive, observe, and stay still if you must. Remember to slow down and try to remember that you’re not in a rush. Don’t absorb all of your experiences and allow faith to play this game. With patience on your side, there isn’t anything you can’t tame! Well, for the most part lol!

Ever thought about what magic athletes and celebrities have over some people to gain more success than their peers? Why do the haves have and those that have not...lack? Don’t let them tell you about you! Don’t allow fear to stop you from conducting that inner work. If you ever find yourself abandoning self-accountability, just remember your divine spark. Speak light and positivity in your journey and enjoy the ride! Learn from the lessons and don’t skip the process, just pimp your problems positively and have patience!

Before I let you go on your way to return to your journey, keep in mind that sometimes waiting is in fact crucial. Divine and intentional sparks of life collide to create your everlasting energy and every living thing as well. Respect all people and remember your mission...and if you feel the heat is too much...

Just take a break from the kitchen!



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