Setting Intentions and Living Out Your Purpose: Give Yourself Permission to be Great

247 Live Culture
Setting Intentions and Living Out Your Purpose: Give Yourself Permission to be Great
When you give yourself permission to communicate what matters to you in every situation you will have peace despite rejection or disapproval. Putting a voice to your soul helps you to let go of the negative energy of fear and regret.
— Shannon L. Alder

By: Jamila Gomez

We are three months into 2021 and in many cases, so much is different. 2020 beat so many of us up and smashed us to smithereens, but we’re still here. This new year gives us all an opportunity to start brand new.

A lot of people make resolutions and goals at the start of a new year. Some people have come up with a word that they will carry with them throughout the year. I have decided to join in on this particular trend, setting intentions behind the year. The word I chose for myself that I would encourage others to choose: PERMISSION.

We’ve been presented with another chance to do what we’ve been wanting to do. There are so many of us who haven’t tapped into our purpose because we haven’t given ourselves permission. Instead, we’ve looked outward. We consulted in people who have nothing to do with our purpose or progression in life and sought confirmation from them to do that which has been placed in our hearts to do. Why do we do that? Why are we asking others for permission to do what we’ve been specifically called to do?

There are certain visions and tasks that have been assigned to us. Each individual has our own specific journey to see that vision through or to make sure that task gets completed. Yet, when we begin to feel fearful or unsure, we start talking to people and asking them if we should be doing the thing. There’s nothing wrong with seeking advice. And there’s nothing wrong with needing help or a push and asking for it.

The problem is that when we start to seek out that confirmation on whether or not we’re on the right path or doing the right thing, the confirmation falls flat. We leave the conversation unsatisfied and feeling even more lost than we were before we started talking. This happens because we already know what we’re supposed to do. We already have inside of us everything we need to start. The only thing lacking is belief in self and trust in God.

Listen to me: it’s not up to anyone else to see the visions we’ve been through. It’s up to us. We can ask for help, but we have to do the work. And we can. It’s scary. But what I’ve always heard is to feel the fear and do it anyway. Take me, for example. I have this massive desire to encourage people through written words. I put what’s in my paper exactly how I feel it and pray someone receives it. But reception is what stopped me from writing in the first place.

See, I’ve been down this blogging road before. I was so concerned with numbers. I cared too much about a multitude of people reading my stuff. I took for granted the few who read everything. I didn’t realize that those few were who I was writing for. Now that I understand I won’t reach everyone, but I will reach who I am MEANT to reach, I will go forth and write what’s in my heart. It may not be perfect. It may feel redundant to some. But for those who receive it, it’s what is should be.

This grace I give myself to be free in my expression came only when I decided I was going to stop asking for permission to do what’s been placed in my heart. And now I’m writing more and letting God do the rest until He shows me what else to do.

I just want to encourage all of you to stop asking for permission to do you. It’s already in you, so you just have to let it out. Don’t worry about how you think it’ll sound or look, or whether or not the whole world will hear or see it. If only one person does, that could be the one person who will take you places you never imagined. You already have the green light. Just go and you will end up where you’re supposed to be.



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