The Importance of Rest: Stop Being On "Go-Mode" All The Time

247 Live Culture
The Importance of Rest: Stop Being On "Go-Mode" All The Time

By: Lauryn Bass

Society has us always on “go-mode.” Ready to make the next dollar, pushing to break the next barrier, fighting to stay on top, while competing with the accomplishments you see others post online to keep your brand relevant—even rebranding. You go from a full day of classes, to keeping in touch with your family, friends, and mentors to then applying yourself to your internship before completing homework from the day or any personal projects.

Let’s not forget balancing chores and other extracurriculars. A young adult can’t even get a break from checking their daily emails. You find yourself running out of time or diverting your attention away from your basic needs like maintaining a balanced diet and workout regimen. What’s missing?

You. Need. Rest. 

There’s a quote that I’ve seen that is super true that you should keep in mind when you’re running around all the time:

If you don’t take a rest, your body will do it for you.

Without proper rest, you’ll find yourself:

  • Being forgetful 

  • Stressing Out 

  • Becoming anxious 

  • Running late 

  • Dozing off

  • Becoming fatigued 

  • Eating late

  • Disrupting sleep schedule 

  • Causing insomnia 

  • Or event worse: causing other harmful long-term harm to your body such as hypertension, stroke, or even heart failure. 

So what to do? 

You need to get organized. Yes, you may be able to fit everything you want to do into the daytime but at night, you need to implement sleep as a priority as well. 

Super busy? 

Try napping. Though this doesn’t substitute sleep, it will help you carry-on through the week until you can at least take a day of rest. One of my favorite sermons stated, “Even God rested.”

If we are made in His image, how would we feel like we should not do the same? 

Aside from napping, you may need to let some things go. What’s for you, will come in due time. No need to rush or cram. Practice #Patience and #Mindfulness. 


It’s scientifically proven that with the proper rest, your mood will improve, as well as productivity. With everything you have on your plate, it’s to reach a goal. Let’s fuel your drive with the proper charged batteries and make it to the finish line! 




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