Natural Hair Tips: 5 Steps You Need to Know for Detangling Your Natural Hair

Natural Hair Tips: How To Detangle Your Natural Hair

By: Emily-Ann

Welcome back to another post about your natural hair. I know it’s been a minute, so without further a due let’s get right into it. I know with summer on your mind, many of us are taking out those braids and maybe looking to do wash day. Wash days can be time-consuming and especially for those of us wearing protective styling. I know this process can be annoying, but I have finally got it down packed when it comes to detangling.

In preparation for wash day, my hair tends to have a lot of product build up. Needless to say, my hair is really good at letting me know when its time for a wash. I have listed the steps I used that have been the most successful for me lately.

Step1. Part your hair in four easy sections; this will help you with the detangling your hair faster. If you have medium-long length, then you will need to do a little bit more sectioning. Try parting your four sections and then again into two more sections and proceed from there.

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Step 2. Taking a section of your hair, spray water or have on hand your spray bottle mixture ready for application. Lightly spray the hair to prevent unwanted snagging and tugging of the hair. You never want to do this on really dry hair as it will only cause more damage than good.

Step 3. Take the ends of your hair and finger detangle the ends and remove any (single strain knots) ssk(s) or shedding hair. It may take a minute or two with this step if you have medium-long hair. This step may be tedious, but worth it to maintain healthy length retention. Once you’ve finger detangled your hair, you can now use a wide tooth comb to release the shedding hair. Start from the ends and work your way up through the sections of your hair.

Step 4. Two strain twist your hair until all sections are complete. I like to add pretreatment to my hair like light oil and sit under a hooded dryer, or you can steam your hair. This will help open up the hair follicles and stimulate absorption of conditioner or treatment.

Step 5. I like to wash my hair in the two strain twist and then apply many DC masque or treatment to the hair. Wash as usual and retwist hair, and at this point I like to let my air dry with my favorite product. Lately, Shea Moisture’s extra-moisture detangler is my go-to product for wash days!

Natural Hair Tips: How To Detangle Your Natural Hair

I find it doubles as great leave in for me, and re-apply about three more times throughout the week. My hair is left feeling super soft and easy to manage. I have tried many other products, but I keep coming back to this one. It is now a must-have and by far a staple of mine. Hopefully, I have helped someone who is finding detangling a challenge. Keep checking back with us for more helpful tips with natural hair!

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