4 Obvious Signs They're Losing Interest

4 Obvious Signs They're Losing Interest

By: Alyssa Cole

Dealing with rejection is never easy, especially if you’re being left after investing time into someone. You get so wrapped up in being around that person and it never dawns on you that maybe some things have changed right in front of your eyes. It’s the worst realizing that your clock has ticked its time all away with someone and now you’re back at square one looking for something new to put on your arm. Isn’t it typically a little obvious to see your partner losing interest in you? What’s interesting enough is that we as people do tend to see the signs, but we’re just too blind to initially notice them due to how much we like and care about the person at the time. Are you wondering if the person you’re talking to is losing interest? Have their habits changed? Is the vibe different? Here are some obvious signs that you may be dealing with someone who is losing interest.

The Conversation Becomes Short

If the conversation goes from every day and multiple times throughout the day to only a few times out of the week, there is a good chance they could be getting bored and have lost that spark to engage with you. When you’re starting out and trying to get a feel for someone, typically you can expect to talk on a daily basis or an every other day basis depending on the person. If more than two days go by and you haven’t heard from them, if they aren’t going through something serious on their end personally, this is a big hint they may be on their way out. 

They Avoid Serious Conversations

Have the conversations about things like family, politics, interests, and a future together suddenly gone missing from your list of topics? This is not a coincidence. If you are trying to have deep conversations and the person doesn’t desire to engage with you on these matters like before, it is probably because they no longer see you in any of those future scenarios with them and don't desire to start deep conversations because they know they won't stick around in the conversation long enough to finish it with you.

Dealing With Rejection

They Start Forgetting Everything  

Do they go from remembering everything you enjoy and paying attention to all your little gestures, to suddenly forgetting that they didn’t have a conversation with you? You find yourself reminding them about plans that were made in advance or about something important you already told them? Chances are they are forgetting things because they no longer care to make certain things a priority to remember. Someone who is losing interest and moving on will do this one very often. If someone new has came along, they are probably trying to keep you and the new person’s conversations separate in their mind, but more than likely they are starting to get them mixed up and confusing their own self!

They Constantly Make Excuses

 This may be the most obvious sign of them all. When you try to make plans lately do they come up with a silly reason why they can’t come out at the last minute? When they forget to reply back for hours to a message do you start to hear the “Oh I forgot”, “Oh I fell asleep”, “Oh I thought”, statements? We all know what excuses are and sometimes we as people genuinely do make mistakes, but if you are getting excuses more than half of the time when interacting with this person, chances are they are coming up with excuses because they don’t know to be honest about no longer wanting to develop something more with you. Excuses, Excuses, Excuses!! 


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